Three-Bedroom House Gutted By Fire In Paynesville


Fire has left a three-bedroom house burned to ashes in Cooper Community, Paynesville, but there was no death reported.

   The fire incident, which occurred on January 3, 2022, left at least 15 persons homeless, with no shelter whatsoever.

   Speaking to reporters at the scene of the fire, the caretaker of the house, Ruth Rattio, said the cause of the fire is yet to be established. The fire also affected six students, including Aaron Tayee, an 8th grade student of the Brighter Day High School in Soul Clinic Community.

   For her part, the Chairlady of the Cooper community, Domowah Alama, a businesswomen, disclosed that before the fire outbreak, she gave the amount of L$8,500 to her sister, Ruth Rattio, for safe-keeping but it got destroyed.

    She added that she also left her smart phone, valued at US$250, which got burned.

   The fire may cause the affected students not to enroll in school this academic school year.

   They called on the Red Cross, disaster organizations, the government the representatives and senators of Montserrado County to come to their rescue, as they have nothing to start with since the incident.

   Meanwhile, a representative-aspirant, Augustine Morris, who went to the fire scene expressed thanks to the community’s residents for their intervention.

   He used the occasion to donate US$50 to the victims, stating that the money is his initial contribution as he intends to do more for the victims to ensure that their situation improves.    Morris, who is contesting in electoral district #4, promised to mobilize the necessary resources for the re-construction of the destroyed structure.      

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