House Adjourns Special Session


The House of Representatives on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 adjourned its extraordinary session.

   Giving statistical report on the special session of the House of Representatives of the 54th Legislature, which began on August 15 and ended on September 13, 2022 the Chair on Executive Representative, Acarous Gray, said a total of 18 sessions were held, 11 regular sessions and 5 executive/secret sessions. He disclosed that the number of bills introduced in the House amounted to 15, with 11 passed, and number of executive bills passed, 6.

   He named an Act to Amend Certain Sections of the New Elections Law of 1986 as Amended through 2014, An Act to Create the PYJ Polytechnic University College and Grant it Charter, and an Act to Establish the Belle Balunma Magisterial Court in Belle District, Gbarpolu County, among others, as some of the bills passed by the House of Representatives.

   According to him, executive bills passed by that august Bbody include An Act to Ratify the Investment Incentive Agreement between Liberia and Modern Mills Liberia Incorporated, Financing Agreement (Liberia Urban Resilience Project) between Liberia and International Development Association (IDA), and the Amended PFM Law of 2021 to Enable Fiscal Decentralization as Contemplated by the Local Government Act of 2018.

   The Chair on Executive further indicated a number of executive bills in committee room: Loan Agreement amongst the Republic of Liberia and African Development Bank (AfDB) and African Development Fund (As Administrators of Transition Support Facility) and Mano River Union Road Development and Transport Facilitation Program-Phase 3). The total number of Senate bills in committee room is one.

   Representative Gray noted that a total of 6 bills are currently in Committee Room of which 3 originated from the House of Representatives.

   Providing more updates, Representative Gray said the number of Senate bills rejected was one: An Act Adopting an Integrated Pension and Benefits Scheme for certain Categories of Officials of Government of the Republic of Liberia and to Repeal and/or Amend Certain Portions of Title 19, Legislative Act, Title 12, Executive Law and title 17, Judiciary Law (1972) and the 2003 Act, which amends these Laws.

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