Rep. Aspirant Thomas Warns Young Voters About “Political Wolves”


As Liberians are set to go to the polls come October 10 to elect their leaders, Montserrado County’s district #4 Representative-Aspirant, Atty. Michael Thomas, has told voters to be aware of politicians’ rhetorics; writes Ojuku Silver-tongue Kangar Jr

    “This is electioneering time. Be careful. There will be so many people that will come to you and tell you lots of stuffs,” Atty. Michael Thomas stated.

   Aspirant Thomas said, as a caveat to first-time voters, “Some of them will come to you in a peaceful manner. Some of them will come in good faith, others with ulterior motive.”

   The Aspirant, who was invited by the Building Lives Around Sound Truth (BLAST) to address its sports tournament audience, told the spectators that they all need to be careful in the electioneering time, and be farsighted.

   As voter registration starts in March, he said, “l want you to take advantage of it because it is your God-given right to go and register and vote; it is protected by the Constitution of Liberia.”

   The BLAST’s sports tournament brought together six schools within the Soul Clinic area. Both kickball and football games were played on the Gaza Field.

   Mesmerizing the youthful population on the football field, the Representative-hopeful said work without play makes Jack a dull boy. Therefore, he encouraged extra curriculum activities in every institution in the district to display young people’s talents and unite them.

   “So we encouraged soccer and kickball tournaments, quizzing and other sporting activities because sports is a unifying force,” he noted.

   In an appreciative tone, he vowed to draft the article of incorporation of BLAST and register it as a legitimate organization in Liberia to function without fear and favor.

   Atty. Thomas toured the Gaza community with his entourage and urged residents to register and vote in October. One of the residents who vowed not to vote anymore due to alleged mistreatment of former Representative, Henry Fahnbulleh, gave unflinching support to Thomas.

   Meanwhile, BLAST’ s founder, N. Winston Monmia, praised the aspirant for always attending to the call of the residents of the district, noting that he is people-centered and generous.

   He said that the aspirant’s invitation was based on the organization’s financial request to him to support the youthful gathering.

   “We are not a political grouping; rather humanitarian. We render assistance to our old folks due to the economic hardship. Do we expect money from the Honorable?” Monmia said, with the hope of getting money and fulfilling the tournament’s goal.

   According to him, the fixed budget for the tournament is US$800, which will qualify them to give the first winner for the football match, L$15,000; the second winner, L$10,000; and for the kickball match’s first winner, L$10,000, and second winner, L$5,000.

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