“Private Sector Is The Engine Of Development”; Says Out-Going ZODDA President


The out-going President of the Zorzor District Development Association (ZODDA), Saywalah Kesselly, says he wants the private sector to partner with the Government of Liberia (GOL) in providing solutions to issues confronting the livelihood of Liberians in the country.

   Kesselly made the statement over the weekend during an exclusive interview with the Hot Pepper newspaper.

   According to him, the private sector is the one that creates a lot of development avenue, such as employment, infrastructure, etc.

   Kesselly at the same time called on stakeholders of the private sector to provide more support to the government in addressing the many challenges faced by the country. He said in developing countries globally, the private sector plays an important role in the development process.

   Kesselly said he wants the government to create a conducive atmosphere to encourage stakeholders in the private sector to invest in Liberia.

   He applauded the government for its effort in reconstructing Zorzor district, evident by the on-going pavement of roads and infrastructural development.

   When questioned about his leadership tangible in Zorzor District, he responded as saying that ZODDA provided huge support to the Lutheran hospital in Zorzor, and also encouraged the government to provide the necessary support, which it adhered to.

   He explained that a number of high school students in the area were supported to complete their secondary journey.

   Kesselly’s leadership comes to an end in September 2023. Every two years and the half, ZODDA goes for convention to elect a new leadership.

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