Liberty Party Expels Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence


The Liberty Party (LP) has expelled and revoked the membership of its former Political Leader and Grand Bassa County Senator, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence for choosing to align with and supporting the Unity Party (UP) and the presidential bid of Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai in the ensuing elections.

   In a notice of expulsion and revocation of membership addressed to Senator Karnga-Lawrence, signed by LP’s National Chairman, Musa Hassan Bility, the LP said, “It has come to the attention of the Liberty Party (LP) National Executive Committee that you have been named to, and have accepted, the position of Campaign Chair for the Unity Party (UP) 2023 Presidential and General Elections Campaign Team.”

    The LP expulsion and revocation of membership notice stated, “We respect that the freedom of association is a right guaranteed to all Liberians under our constitution and we interpose no objection to your exercising that right. However, you will also respect that as an LP member and a Senator elected under the LP ticket, you are duty-bound to maintain the party line and support party policies agreed to by a majority of the party leadership. You are fully aware that the LP Convention, the highest decision-making body of the LP, has approved and authorized LP’s status as a member of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) and has endorsed Mr. Alexander B Cummings as the Standard Bearer of the CPP.

   “Your action, which signals that you are no longer aligned with the LP’s mission, vision and objectives, and that you have, instead, chosen to align with and support the UP’s mission, vision and candidates in the ensuing elections, is a clear abdication of your duties as an LP member.

   “In light of the above, please let this letter serve as formal notification that you have effective immediately been expelled from the Liberty Party and your membership in the LP has been revoked.”

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