“Liberty Party Will Never Die”; Cllr. Brumskine Tells Bassa Citizens, Others


Cllr. Charlyn Brumskine, Vice Standard Bearer to Alexander B. Cummings of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), in an appreciative tone and political mood has told the citizens of Bassa nationwide that the Liberty Party will not perish; writes Ojuku Silver-tongue Kangar, Jr.

   “But today, when you called me and said you have given this mantle to me, it is my responsibility to do everything I can to make sure that Liberty Party never dies in Liberia,” Cllr. Brumskine said during an endorsement program over the weekend organized for her by the Bassa Citizens at Du-Port Road Waterside Community, which was in consultation with all Bassa people nationwide.

   During the program, the chiefs, elders, and all Bassa citizens who attended the program said that, for time in memorial Bassa people have been left behind politically—always supporting different tribal people’s sons or daughters to take political power, while their sons and daughters have always been at the back; therefore, they turned the Bassa land to Cllr. Brumskine to be their representative since she is a vice presidential candidate in the 2023 general and presidential elections, and they have come under political attacks. 

   “I stand with the elders of this chiefdom. We met, we consulted, decided and concluded that the entire Bassa belt—that’s Margibi, Rivercess and Grand Bassa counties, Kokoya, Gbee, District, Nimba County—we have decided to officially turn the Bassa land over to you,” the group’s spokesman said. “There is no way Bassaians [Bassa people] will support the vice presidency other than you.”

  Earlier, the chief elder debunked the notion about Bassa people. “They say we owned Monrovia, but we sold our lands for ‘smoked fish’, and we are not serious’. It is about time that Bassa people unite and go up. We own our land now, and we are not selling it anymore for smoked fish,” the elder said through an interpreter.

   The people of Bassa-speaking tribes are one of the founding citizens of Liberia, and are the second largest tribe in Liberia. The Liberty Party, which was founded in Grand Bassa County by the late Cllr. Charles W. Walker to equip the citizens politically and give them voice, has been challenged since the founder died.  His daughter Charlyn Brumskine, has become the replacer of her father, according to the Bassa people.

   “The reason you called me here today is not because of me; it is because of the late Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine,” Cllr. Charlyn Brumskine said in an acceptance speech. “Brumskine loved the Bassa people. Everything my pa did, politically, traditionally, socially, it was for the Bassa people. He founded the Liberty Party in Grand Bassa County so that the people could have a voice politically. I stand in my pa’s shoes. I tell you today, the same way Brumskine helped you, the same way you helped Brumskine, that we will do it, starting today.” 

   However, since the demise of her father and Musa Bility took over as Chairman of the Liberty Party, division and confusion have taken over the party due to power greed and lack of understanding.

   “Liberty Party, since Cllr. Brumskine died, has been in confusion. During the confusion, some of you went different places,” Cllr. Brumskine said.  “I am calling your home, come back home, come back home… it is our time. We will decide as Bassa people that we are ready to go up. We will not always be behind, we will not always be supporting our sister’s child when we cannot support our own child.  We will not go in the county and tell the Bassa people to carry different person’s son, daughter; today, the Mabahn Bassa people, I need your support.  I told you that I step in the old man shoe, but I am a woman. I need all the women to come and join me.”

   “The respect, the love, that Brumskine had for the Bassa people, I promised you today I will do the same. This thing is not easy, I cannot do it by myself; I need Bassa women. We can do it, from village to village, house to house,” she added.  “The Bassa women want good, good things. To our elders, I am the small child, I am your daughter, but today, you have made me to be a woman. So with the honor, I will do everything, God first, to make sure that the Bassa People win this election. Your continue to be with me, walk with me, pray with me, be with me from village to village.  So to conclude, I accept the endorsement, I thank you.” 

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