Lady Found Dead In Seventy-Second Community


The residents of 72nd, SKD Boulevard, on Monday woke up to the news of a dead lady, name unknown, being found at a dumpsite in the community; Emmanuel Redd reports.

   Speaking to the Hot Pepper yesterday, a motorcyclist alleged that a black jeep was seen making a stop at the exact spot where the lady was found between 3:00a.m.—4:00 a.m. on Monday morning, and after a while the driver pulled off with the car.

   According to him, their attention did not go to anything negative, and so they did not suspect anything until daylight started to show.

   It was observed by the Hot Pepper that the lady’s eyes were plugged out, private part cut off and neck broken. According to information, the residents managed to get in contact with the lady’s fiancé, who immediately made his way to the community to ascertain the information he received.

   Residents were heard talking about the unscrupulous killings and disappearances occurring in the country since the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) left the country, and underrating the performance of the Liberia National Police (LNP) in ensuring the protection of the lives and properties of the citizenry.

   Meanwhile, a resident who expressed condolence to the lady’s family has called on the LNP to initiate an immediate investigation into the lady’s death, as the condition of the remains points to foul play. He said there are heartless and unrepentant murders mixed among the good citizenry bent on committing heinous crimes and instilling fear in the peaceful residents.   

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