Maj/Gen. Johnson Decorates Peacekeepers

Maj./Gen. Prince C. Johnson pins peacekeeping AFL soldiers

Maj/Gen. Prince C. Johnson, III, Chief of Staff (COS) of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) on Friday, March 19, 2021, decorated members of LIBBATT-6 with Campaign Medals at Camp Sandee Ware. The Campaign Medals are given to soldiers who take part in military missions.

   The COS conveyed heartfelt greetings and congratulations to the gallant men and women on behalf of the Commander-in-Chief, His Excellency, President George M. Weah, and the Minister of National Defense, Daniel Dee Ziankahn.

   According to General Johnson, this is the first time that Campaign Medals have been given to a Liberian Contingent returning from mission, but it will continue as Liberian contingents return upon completion of their peacekeeping mission.

   Meanwhile, the soldiers have completed Post Deployment Training following their return to the country. The training is geared toward de-stressing soldiers after their return from mission before reuniting them with their families and the society. It also psychologically prepares the soldiers to return to normal mental activities.

   Following the end of their period of stay at Camp Sandee Ware, they were pinned and lauded for their services to Liberia and the people of Mali. The COS said he is grateful to LIBBATT-6 for their accomplishment, even though he is aware of their challenges while they were on mission.

   He also encouraged commanders to recommend soldiers who exhibited good conduct while on mission for more medals.

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