8-Member NEC-Sierra Leone Delegation In Monrovia

An 8-member delegation from the Independent National Electoral Commission (NEC-Sierra Leone) has arrived in Liberia for a four-day working study tour to promote Electoral Management Bodies’ integration in the Mano River Union sub-region.

   The NEC-Sierra Leone delegation’s study tour in Liberia is under the theme, “Strengthening Mano River Union Collaboration on Electoral Processes for Maximum Performance”.

   The NEC-Sierra Leone delegation arrived via the Bo Water Side border point in Grand Cape Mount County and escorted to Monrovia by a joint team of Senior Staff of NEC and Officers of the Liberia National Police (LNP).

   In Liberia, the 8-member Independent National Electoral Commission team of Sierra Leone will hold discussions with several election stakeholders, including the Chairperson of NEC, Cllr. Davidetta Browne Lansanah, and members of the Board of Commissioners, and authorities of the National Identity Registry (NIR).

   The 8-member NEC-Sierra Leone delegation, headed by its Chief Electoral Commissioner (CEC) and Chairman, Mohamed K. Konneh, will also hold discussions with the Judiciary, political parties, the Ministry of Justice and civil society organizations, as well as the media.

   A statement from NEC-Liberia Tuesday, 6 July 2021, said key objectives of the study tour of NEC-Sierra Leone include learning and acquiring skills on electoral best practices from other EMB(s), such as result and electoral risk managements and discussions on the development of bilateral engagement forum of electoral experts in the Sub-region.

   Other objectives, according to the statement from NEC-Liberia, include encouraging the use of generic electoral materials and other resources amongst EMB (s) within the sub-region and the sharing of electoral ideas and expertise between NEC-Liberia and NEC-Sierra Leone.

   Members of the electoral commission, Marian SiaNyuma-Moijueh, the Executive Assistant to the head of delegation, Alex Saffa, and Assistant Executive Secretary-II, Gladys Nancy John, Director of External Relations, Albert Massaquoi, Director of Operations, Mohamed Turay, Director of Gender and Disability, Christinana O’reilly and the Director of ICT Mbekey Amara. 

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