AML Training Academy Manager Happy Over “Vision Truly Transforming Tomorrow”

Over the weekend, ArcelorMittal Liberia Training Academy in Yekapa, Nimba County, graduated 50 young engineers, and the company absorbed all of them into its workforce.

   The 50 young Liberians walked away with diplomas in various technical fields, including diesel mechanics, fitting, industrial electricity and boiler making, after three years of practical and theoretical training.

   A statement by ArcelorMittal said the graduates included three females and are from all parts of Liberia, with Nimba, Bong, and Grand Bassa counties dominating in number.

   According to AML, this batch of its trained academy graduates supports the company’s effort to contribute to the empowerment and skill development of Liberia’s youth and is also aligns with the company’s massive Phase Two Expansion project.

   During the graduation, held at ABC University in Yekepa, ArcelorMittal-Liberia Training Academy (AMLTA) Manager, Dawie Loots, filled with excitement, highlighted the key role of being part of the historic transformation the technical school is making.

   Loot explained how being a part of the story of transformation of the VTC into the ArcelorMittal Liberia Training Academy (AMLTA) is one of the most cherished experiences that displays a strong sense of fulfillment of purpose.

   The AMLTA manager told the audience that it is the goal of the company to always provide necessary skills and knowledge for all “our learners, enabling them to be competent to perform their duties within the workplace and community”.

   “The graduation of the 2nd batch of skilled young people from the ArcelorMittal Liberia Training Academy is evidence that the vision of AML and this great institution (AMLTA) is being achieved with profound impact on Liberia’s youthful population,” Loots stated.

AMTA student in Yekepa

   Manager Loots further underscored that such a feat could not have been achieved without the strong support of management, the sacrifices and commitment of each staff and the perseverance of the students.

   He congratulated the families and friends of the graduates whom he said have stood by them three years running.

   The manager reminded the graduates of how they have opened a new chapter in their lives, and they should remember that it is the beginning of their journey in meeting their goals and dreams.

   “What lies ahead now will pose many more even bigger challenges. These challenges might not be easy. The road of life and building a career will have some curves. Over the past 3 years you have polished and built your skills on discipline, high standards and attitude, that will enable you to succeed in whatever that will come your way.

   “Be smart, decisive and calculate your choices as that will help you to navigate the way forward. Remember you are part of AMLTA family,” Manager Loots said, and asked the graduates to always carry AMLTA’s name with dignity and pride. “You were an excellent group, and I am very proud of you. May the key you receive today unlock the doors of your dreams.”

   In his years at ArcelorMittal, Loots has demonstrated a strong commitment to the development of the training academy, ensuring that it lives by some of the best, free, fair and transparent recruitment practices.

   Launched in 2018, the ArcelorMittal Liberia Vocational Training Center (VTC) in Yekepa, now the ArcelorMittal Training Academy, is a US$7 million investment by the company to provide improved technical, educational opportunities in several disciplines for young Liberians to enhance the workforce and economic development for a prosperous Liberia.

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