APM Terminals Liberia Renews Kits Sponsorship For County Meet

Port operator, APM Terminals Liberia, has once again supported the annual National County Meet with a donation of sporting items to the Ministry of Youth & Sports. 

   The items donated consist of branded jerseys valued at US$15,000 for all the teams participating in the prestigious sporting event, bringing the company’s total investment into Liberia’s biggest sports event to over US$100,000 over the last five years.

    Presenting the kits to the Ministry of Youth & Sports, Managing Director for APM Terminals Liberia, Clay Crain, reiterated the company’s commitment to support the tournament as part of its effort to invest in initiatives that bring out the talents in Liberian youths and help foster national cohesion and development. Crain emphasized that APM Terminals Liberia has been supporting the National County Meet for the past 5 years and sees it as a strategic investment into the promotion of Sports and talent discovery from all parts of the country.

   “Our continuous sponsorship of the National County Meet is founded on our strong belief that the Liberian youths are the bedrock for economic development in this country. Our mandate as a company is to provide efficient port services to ultimately support the economic growth of Liberia and reposition the Freeport of Monrovia as the economic hub of the Mano River Sub region. We know that this vision will not be realized if the young people of Liberia are not empowered to liberate their talents and creative energies. We see sports as key to this and we will support the discovery and nurturing of those talents.” Crain commented.

   The Deputy Minister for Sports, Andy Quamie, praised APM Terminals Liberia for their continued support for the National County Meet, adding that such support is instrumental for the organization of the annual county meet.

   “For five years now, APM Terminals Liberia has always been providing kits sponsorship to the National County Sports Meet, and we are honestly grateful that APM Terminals Liberia will always be coming to the assistance of the government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports. These jerseys are very nice, well designed and will go a long way in making the county meet a beautiful event,” Quamie remarked.

   This year’s National County Sports Meet tournament begins on December 17, 2022 with Grand Bassa County as host, and will feature teams from all the 15 counties.

   Last year, Nimba County won the championship with Gbarpolu County coming in second, while Margibi took the third place.

   The tournament, which was inaugurated in 1956, is one of the most heavily anticipated sports events in Liberia with its final matches drawing thousands of fans from across the country.

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