As ArcelorMittal Considers Options: 3,000 Employees’ Fate In Limbo If…

Sometimes national leaders play dumb with the real issues confronting the people of the country only to satisfy their political quest and self-aggrandizement. This scenario could be attributed to the recent action of the House of Representatives in the third mineral development agreement (MDA) of one of the biggest employers in Liberia, ArcelorMittal Liberia, which has more than 3,000 Liberian employees.

   On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, the House of Representatives took a decision to return the ArcelorMittal MDA to the Executive for renegotiation, indirectly rejecting the deal that holds the hope of more than 3,000 Liberians, who are likely the breadwinners of their homes.

   Before taking action on the MDA, the House and the Senate sent separate delegations to AML concession areas and returned with the news that things were not as being alleged by the locals, only that AML needed to step up its relations with the people and consider certain rights and privileges that the locals hold.

   Both the House and Senate passed the third amendment, but with changes and recommendations, thereby constituting a joint committee to merge the recommendations for cordiality. Surprisingly, the House, without the consent of the Liberian Senate, has returned the deal to the desk of the President, with its side of the recommendations and leaving out the Senate’s.

   One is left to wonder if the President considers the House’s recommendations for renegotiation and the agreement is sent back to the National Legislature, whether the Senate would accept the new deal without its recommendations inserted into it.

   Information being gathered by the Hot Pepper is that ArcelorMittal, not being satisfied with the way the MDA is being handled by the National Legislature, is anticipating to run to court for redress, or just pull out of Liberia, leaving all those in its employment vulnerable and possibly jobless.

   The hard question is, which company is capable of absorbing close to 3,000 persons if ArcelorMittal Liberia decides to leave?

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