As Weah’s Re-Nomination Program Held In 7 Counties: CDC Sets New Benchmark!

On Saturday, February 4, 2023 the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), comprising the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), National Patriotic Party (NPP) and Liberia People Democratic Party (LPDP) re-nominated their Standard Bearer and President of the Republic, George Manneh Weah, to contest in the upcoming presidential election, in order to stir the affairs of the state for another six-year term, setting a new benchmark for political nominations in the political dispensation of the country.

   Over the years, critics have argued and maintained that the CDC and President Weah have lost favor with the masses as a result of poor governance, corruption, secret killings, economic hardship, etc, in addition to recent Global Magnitsky sanctions announced by the United States government on three top officials of government.

   However, this opinion was challenged over the weekend when thousands of Liberians converged in seven counties to re-nominate the Liberian leader, arguably in consonance of his work over the years for which they are approving his re-election for another six years.

   In Monrovia, the day began to turn “Blue” as early as 10:00 a.m. when CDCians and Weah supporters, mostly in blue or white shirt, took to the streets to parade to the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) for the ceremony. The single largest group, observed by the Hot Pepper, was led by the former Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel McGill—they made their way from Margibi County through ELWA and onward to the program.

   Monrovia saw a plethoric assembly of CDCians and Weah 2023 supporters, affecting business activities and the free flow of traffic in a celebration spirit.

   The Chairman of the CDC, Mulbah K. Morlu, had set the margin of attendance at one million citizens to grace the occasion at seven venues: ATS, Monrovia; Foyah, Lofa; Gbarnga, Bong; Sanniquelle, Nimba; Zwedru, Grand Gedeh; Buchanan, Grand Bassa; and Tienii, Grand Cape Mount. There were also corresponding nomination program venues scheduled overseas, including the US and Canada.

   Members of the opposition argued that Morlu’s projection was not realistic and, in fact, not attainable. But when the crowd began to pour, the number argument demised; Monrovia shut down throughout the day; other venues filled; and critics’ argument diverted to “paid-for crowd”. Some argued that the government used state resources to compensate each person with US$20 to turn out, while others argued that many turned out for the “good time” that would characterize the ceremony.

   Contrarily, many of those interviewed by the Hot Pepper, mainly around the Lynch and Benson streets intersection area due to the congestion of the road leading to ATS, said that they were out there to express their approval of President Weah’s good leadership and developmental willpower to move the country forward. Abdul Kromah, an average-height fellow in white Weah 2023 shirt, told the Hot Pepper that he was at the occasion in testament of the development tangibles President Weah erected in his community, including street lights and paved roads.

   Strangely, the program in the western region, held in Tienii, Grand Cape Mount County, was spearheaded by Bomi County Senator, Edwin Melvin Snowe, a member of the Unity Party (UP). Other prominent faces recognized at the Tienii program were Henry Fahnbulleh, also a former UP partisan, and Millias Z. Sheriff, Assistant Minister for TVET, Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Weah renomination program in Tienii, Grand Cape Mount County

   Monrovia City Mayor, Jefferson T. Koijee, helped to organize the program in Nimba County, pulling a mammoth crowd in Sanniquelle, a place considered Senator Prince Johnson’s stronghold. Senator Johnson has openly withdrawn his party’s support from the CDC and called on Nimbaians to reject President Weah in the 2023 polls. But it appears like a number of Nimbaians are yet to heed to Senator Johnson’s call, rallying massively for Weah’s re-election.

Weah re-nomination program in Sanniquille, Nimba County

   Senator Johnson is re-contesting for the senatorial position of Nimba, with his Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR) party being led by Senator Jeremiah Koung. Whether the people of Nimba will heed to Senator Johnson’s call or not is left to be determined at the ballot box, but the Saturday program has proved that President Weah and the CDC still wheel huge support in the county.

   Representative Marvin Cole and Superintendent Esther Walker led the program in Bong County, while Superintendent Kai Farley led the program in Zwedru, Nimba County. Lofa and Grand Bassa counties also held separate programs, summing it seven the total number of re-nomination programs held on Saturday for President Weah. Each of these counties displayed numerical strength and the people’s readiness to re-elect President Weah at the 2023 polls.

Weah renomination program in Gbarnga, Bong County

   All these events are happening only a few months to the October polls, amidst opposition’s belief that Weah will be ousted from the presidency. The two major opposition candidates, Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai, Unity Party, and Alexander B. Cummings, are even yet to announce their running mate for public scrutiny.

   A political pundit told the Hot Pepper that the new benchmark set by the CDC to simultaneously hold its nomination program in seven counties successfully is something candidates of the 2023 presidential election need to ponder on, as the argument of rigging is only valid if a candidate shows numerical strength or provides genuine reasons. But one is left to wonder whether or not the opposition is considering these factors as the election creeps in.

   Accepting the re-nomination for the presidency, President George M. Weah said, “I am therefore both pleased, and honored, to accept your nomination of me as your Standard Bearer to lead our Party to seek a second six-year mandate from the Liberian people.  I am certain that, with your full support and backing, our victory is assured.”

Pres. George M. Weah making his acceptance speech at the ATS

   He said, “I will now speak to you in [colloquia]: They say that yor na know nathing. They also say I mysef I na know nathing. So, the very fact that you are following me, who they say I na know nathing, shows that you are stupid.

   “Well, jes to prove to them that yor know sumtin, I want ask yor a question, and the answer that yor give to dis question will show whether you are clever or stupid, or whether you are smart or dumb.  The question I want ask yor, enh, is this: 6 years plus 6 years, that how many years???  ‘12 years!!!’    “Yor see… yor clever!!  Yor know something!   Don’t mind these people lying on you yah.”

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