CPP Chairman Boakai: “Let’s Forget Our Differences & Move Ahead”

Despite the absence of Liberty Party’s National Chairman and Secretary General, Musa Hassan Bility and Martin Kollah, and all executive members of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai of the Unity Party (UP) has taken over the Chairmanship of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) from Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence of the Liberty Party (LP).

   Ambassador Boakai, Standard Bearer of the Unity Party (UP), took over the mantle of authority of the CPP on Friday, October 15, 2021 at the headquarters of the UP. The ceremony brought together thousands of partisans of CPP, supporters, executive members of the Rainbow Coalition Alliance, Standard Bearer and supporters of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP), executive members of the Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) and Executive members of the People’s Unification Party (PUP).

   Delivering her turnover notes, the out-going CPP Chairperson, Senator Karnga-Lawrence, said under her administration several achievements were made and the records are within the turnover documents.

   She pointed out the process leading to the establishment of a permanent Secretariat of the CPP, the consensus building process which led to the election of the standard bearer of member parties of the CPP opting to contest for the standard bearer-ship of the CPP for the upcoming 2023 general elections.

   This process, according to her, produced Ambassador Boakai of the Unity Party and Alexander B. Cummings of the Alternative National Congress as contestants for the CPP standard bearer position; crafting the platform of the CPP, which includes economic empowerment, health care delivery system, education and youth empowerment; progress made into the allegations of the alteration of the framework document; and the selection of candidates for the pending November 2021 by-elections in Nimba, Grand Gedeh, Bomi and Bong counties.

   The Grand Bassa Senator said her eight-month and few days as CPP Chairperson was challenging as a lady. She emphasized that the internal fight within the CPP remains the major challenge ahead of the 2023 general elections, and called on Ambassador Boakai to use his elderly wisdom and settle down the dust within the CPP for the betterment of the country.

   Senator Karnga-Lawrence was honored and gowned by the women wing of the Liberty Party (LP) for her tremendous role as Chairperson during her brief administration. The women cautioned her to remain focused and work with the men in the CPP to provide a political alternative for the country.

   Delivering his takeover speech, Ambassador Boakai cautioned political leaders of the four Collaborating Political Parties and supporters to forget their political differences and move ahead for the good of the country. He emphasized that the CPP remains the only alternative for Liberians amidst the economic hardship, corruption, abuse of power and disappearance of human beings.

   The former Vice President stated that he will ensure unity comes within the CPP during his leadership. He averred that the Liberian people are deeply depending on the CPP to provide a better leadership for the country. With unity, V.P. Boakai said, victory is certain come 2023.

   Ambassador Boakai assured partisans and supporters of the constituent collaborating parties of institutionalizing the CPP ahead of the legislative and presidential elections. He urged partisans to let go of all their differences and push the agenda of the CPP.

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