Deputy Speaker Koffa Showered With Praise

A son of Grand Kru County residing in Monrovia, Sarploh T. Kun, has expressed appreciation to the Representative of Grand Kru County’s electoral district #2, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa, for a good work done in his district and country at large.

   “As a famous saying goes, give a good man his flower when he is alive, Hon. J fonati Koffa is people-centered and a developmental giant. He is also a masses leader who gives ears to everyone’s view, idea and opinion, irrespective of your political ideology.

   “He has helped so many Liberians in his district and country, from children to adults, in their education and Healthcare in and out of Liberia,” Kun explained.

    According to him, “Representative J Jonati Koffa has build a school and donated a generator and medical supplies to a hospital in his county. I am a testimony to his kindness and goodwill. Hon. Deputy Speaker, I just want to say thank you for all your good work to your county and nation. In a nutshell, keep up your good work for the masses and one good day history will judge you positively.”

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