DITCO Boss Commends LNP

The Proprietress of DITCO Incorporated, Marpu Dhaliwal, has commended the Liberia National Police (LNP), specifically the Major Crimes Investigation Division, for a job well done in clamping down on a criminal, Mulbah H. Togba, who recently stole thousands of United States dollars from her business and escaped to the hinterland of the country.

   Speaking to the Hot Pepper over the weekend, Dhaliwal explained that she sees Togba’s action as a betrayal. She said Togba had been in her employ for the past eleven (11) years and was more than a son to her, but betrayed her trust when he ran away with her money after trusting him to collect it from some of her clients.

   According to her, on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at about 12 noon she sent Togba to collect her money from some of her clients on Water and Randall streets, without the least thought that he would escape with the money. However, by 3:00 p.m., one of her employees brought it to her attention that Togba had not returned since she sent him.

   “I called his number, but it rang endlessly without response. The next time I called it was switched off. I thought a criminal had stolen his phone; so I decided to call the clients whom I sent him to, and I was told that Togba collected the money earlier that day. Then I began to think that he had fallen into some trouble, so I decided to visit the nearby police stations, including the one on Ashmun Street, but I was told they had never heard of him,” Dhaliwal explained.

Proprietress of DITCO Incorporated, Marpu Dhaliwal

   She noted that it was at this point that she decided to call one of the police top brass and explained the situation to him, and apparently this was how the Major Crime Investigation Division got involved, as she did not know anyone in the department and did not complaint to them.

   She complimented and commended the police for doing a great job, and emphasized that, with the capable and competent individuals at the LNP, one can rest assured that criminals can be nabbed no matter their size or location.

   “I want to specifically commend and compliment Assistant Commissioner, Alex S. Kawah, and Deputy Head of the Major Crimes Investigation Division, Victor P. Gboyah, for their commendable job. With the level of professionalism displayed by these guys without any form of compensation, I want people to know that no matter who or where you are—if you commit a crime you will be haunted down,” the DITCO boss emphasized.

   When contacted by the Hot Pepper, the Deputy Head of the Major Crime Investigation Division, Victor P. Gboyah, informed the paper that his department received intelligence about the crime and contacted the victim as to whether she still intended to pursue the case, which she responded to in the affirmative. Immediately, he said, he made his way to Bong County, where his security intelligence sources had informed him that the culprit was hiding.

Deputy Head of the Major Crime Investigation Division, LNP, Victor P. Gboyah

   According to Gboyah, he spent a few days in the area, ascertained the location of the culprit and then sent for reinforcement to apprehend him and return him to Monrovia. He noted that this is one of many cases that his department has handled and pursued the criminals from their hiding places.

   He warned would-be criminals to be reminded that the LNP is being paid to protect life and property, and will do everything in its power to rid the society of crime.

   Meanwhile, observers have praised the police force for being well-trained and prepared to do their job, even though the lack of logistics hinders their operation many times. They say when the LNP is fully supported and equipped with the necessary logistics they are one of the best police forces in the sub-region.

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