Editorial: CDC: The 17th Commemoration

THE CONGRESS FOR Democratic Change (CDC) was organized in 2005 to contest the general and presidential elections which ushered in President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf as the first female President of an African nation. The party later became the leading constituent party forming the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), also comprising the National Patriotic Party (NPP) and the Liberia People Democratic Party (LPDP), which won the 2017 presidential election. President Weah has been reflecting on the seventeen years of astounding success of the CDC.

ACCORDING TO THE President on Saturday, June 18, 2022, when he addressed partisans of the CDC, “This is now the country that you wanted, where all Liberians can participate equally, despite our political, religious or ethnic differences, and where there are no political prisoners or prisoners of thought or conscience.” President Weah scored highly when he highlighted the preeminence of democracy in the success of the CDC.

PRESIDENT WEAH CONTINUED, “What people did not realize is that we began our quest for leadership because of love for the country. We could not touch Liberia’s peace, Liberia’s dignity, and Liberia’s honor, because we were hoping for this day to come; so that we would have the opportunity to lead this country to prosperity, and to bring hope for change.” The President again scored for his commitment to the nation’s peace and security, reminiscent of the long years of civil war.

THE LIBERIAN LEADER used the occasion to chide Liberians, mainly those who are seeking political power but calling on the international community and partners to impose sanctions on Liberia but at the same time aspiring to become leaders. President Weah questioned their commitment and sincerity to the country, indicating that such people do not have the interests of the country at heart.

AS AN OPPOSITION leader for twelve unbroken years, the President said he, at no time, called for sanctions on Liberia despite the misdeeds of public officials at that time. “I did not ask for any Liberian, or the country itself, to be sanctioned. Instead, what did I do? I worked with the incumbent government to promote peace and unity in our country.” The President urged all persons aspiring to leadership in the country to refrain from such unpatriotic actions and put Liberia first. The Chief Executive, again, scored for his emphasis of patriotism as fundamental to the nation’s wellbeing.

PRESIDENT WEAH HOWEVER raises the issue of how the past can connect with the present and, therefore, the importance of keeping the past in its right perspective. The Hot Pepper is referring to the President’s comment on the 2005 and 2010 general and presidential elections, which kept President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf in office for two terms. President Weah told his CDC partisans, “People tested our resolve when twice they took from us what belonged to us. But we never resorted to violence, and accepted our fate peacefully and calmly, because of love for the country.” The two elections are past and history, but if they were stolen the democracy foundation of fragility is laid, especially so when those were the early years of the nation’s post-war democratic effort. It would not speak well of what is to come.

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