Fake Physician Assistant Faces Court Trial

A 31-year-old man has admitted to impersonation under the false pretense of being a Physician Assistant.

   According to Daniel Wright, he does not have any qualification as a physician assistant, but he acquired practical knowledge from his former boss to serve as a first aid.

   He made the disclosure on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 when he was summered for the second time at the West Point Magisterial Court following an arrest by the Liberia National Police (LNP) through a complaint filed by the leadership of the Liberia National Physician Assistants Association (LINPAA)

   A court writ in the possession of the Hot Pepper says the self-proclaimed physician assistant, Daniel Wright, is to appear in court for hearing on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.

   The accused is in the possession of several identification cards (ID cards) as employee of the Pacific Medical Laboratory and Clinic in Monrovia, as Officer-In Charge (OIC) of Willphe Medical and Laboratory Clinic in the Blackie Island Community, M.K.K. on the Japan Freeway as Physician Assistant.

   He is currently working with the Liberia Football Association’s first division champions, Watanga FC as a medic.

   Wright was arrested for the first time on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 after the manager of a local clinic, “Star of the Sea”, Township of West Point, tipped-off the leadership of the Liberia National Physician Assistants Association (LINPAA) of the dubious act.

   Daniel Wright had applied at the health facility to work as a physician assistant, and was shortlisted along with two other applicants, but to do due diligent to the process the management decided to ascertain from LINPAA if the shortlisted applicants were PAs. To the contrary, Wright was not a PA and has never attended any physician assistant school in Liberia.

   Wright, who was arrested as he was invited for interview, is said to have been working over the years with other health facilities with fake documents, and was also doing variety of procedures, including diagnosing and prescribing medications for patients.

   It was announced to the public that the self-proclaimed Physician Assistant, D. Daniel Wright, was charged by the Liberia National Police (LNP) with forgery and forwarded to the e West Point Magisterial court for prosecution, and the 31-year-old was undergoing court trail before committing the second offense.

   Meanwhile, the President of LINPAA, Theophilus Tamba Fayiah, disclosed that the leadership will ensure D.  Daniel Wright goes through the legal process to serve as a deterrent to others.

President of LINPAA, Theophilus Tamba Fayiah

   “We would like to use Daniel Wright’s case as caveat to those involved in such act to stop,” President Fayiah said.

   However, LINPAA Board Chairman, Zayzay Yekeh, disclosed that this is the first time for an arrest to be made and the accused sent to court, which he said will serve as precedence and deterrence for those who are involved with such misconduct or contemplating to get involved.

   He expressed his frustration in impersonators who are damaging the reputation of Pas, observing that LINPAA will work with medical facilitates and the security apparatus to get the fake petitioners out.

   “This noble institution is too fine to get it damaged. We will work along with health facilities and the Liberia National Police (LNP) go all out in search of people involved in forgery of LINPAA license, and will not hesitate but to use the law against them,” he said.

   D. Daniel Wright claimed that he graduated from the Tubman National Institute of Medical Art (TNIMA) on January 5, 2012 as physician assistant, but fact-finding reveals that at no time did he enroll at that institute, not to mention graduate; therefore, all documents from that institution bearing his name are forged.

   He also presented a forged document as a graduate of the School of Operation Room Technology on July 3, 2021 as operation room technician (ORT) and a nurse aid certificate from the Soko Sackor Institute, 2008.

   A forged LINPAA license, number 67312, with issued date January 1, 2022 and expiration date December 31, 2022 was issued by a sidewalk commercial computer typist on Benson Street, Monrovia.

   “Again, with the help of the LNP, we were able to arrest the guy in question along with his computers and other accessories and turned over to the police for investigation,” LINPAA President, Theophilus Tamba Fayiah, disclosed. 

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