GOL Completes Population Verification On Asylum & Refugee Seekers

The Government of Liberia (GOL), through its Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC), has disclosed that, in consultation with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), they completed the population verification process in May 2021.

   According to the boss of the agency, Festus Logan, the process started in April and ended in May 2021. Logan stated that the verification process was designed for asylum seekers and Refugees residing in Liberia. He said the objectives of the exercise was meant to verify refugees and asylum seekers; enroll and update the their bio-data, in line with national and regional dataset; undertake continued registration on new birth and death registration, as well carry out local integration at voluntary registration survey.

    The LRRRC boss also noted that proof of registration for all cases already verified and closed cases cannot be traced in Liberia. He said before the just-ended Ivorian crisis, Liberia hosted about 8,235 refugees and asylum seekers. He mentioned that, out of the number, 90% were lvorian citizens.

   Logan noted that, during the Ivorian crisis 30,230 refugees arrived in Liberia and were registered, thus amounting to 38,466. He said following the process of verification, Liberia now records 31,944 verified refugees and asylum seekers as of June 2021.

  The LRRRC boss said this figure represents 83% of the total number of refugees living in the country, with 17% not captured–which means they were not present during the exercise. He said LRRRC and its partners have deemed it necessary to add additional a three-month grace period to enable refugees who missed the verification process for legitimate reason to do theirs.

   He said their survey revealed that 57% of the Refugees, representing 18,208 opted to voluntarily return to their home country (Cote d’lvoire), while 4% of the refugees opted for integration in Liberia. He added that 39% of the refugees and asylum seekers are undecided on a preferred solution.

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