“Hope For Our Children Future”–Residents Describe Yatta Foundation

Yatta Foundation

Residents of lower Louisiana in Monsterrado County have expressed thanks and appreciation to the founders of the Yatta Foundation in that part of Monsterrado County.

   Yatta Foundation is said to be the only secondary school in Lower Louisiana. Lower Louisiana is  a large areas that is currently isolated from other parts of Monsterrado County. This side of the county is totally underdeveloped, thus leaving almost ninety percent of those living there in a very deplorable condition. 

   Speaking with the Hot Pepper following the school’s first anniversary to inhabitants of the area, the residents praised the Managing Director of Yatta Foundation for being steadfast in bringing relief to the young people of lower Louisiana.

   According to them, since the formation of Lower Louisiana there has been no school and health facility for residents of the areas. Thompson Dolo, Community Chairman of Lower Louisiana, buttressed statements made by the people of the areas. Dolo said Lower Louisiana has been totally forgotten by the Government of Liberia (GOL). He pointed out that his statement is not only to this government, but previous administrations of the Liberian government. The community Chairman also noted that the place lacks development like other areas in Monsterrado County.

   He praised the founders of Yatta Foundation for their farsightedness in the establishment of a secondary school and the construction of a 106-bedroom hospital in Lower Louisiana. Dolo stated that since the school’s establishment it has brought smile to the youthful population of the entire Louisiana Township. The jubilant youths of lower Louisiana spoke with the Hot Pepper following the Yatta Foundation one-year anniversary celebration.

   The school is operated by Blama Wright and Yatta Wright, both citizens of Liberia. They stated that their development initiatives in the area are meant to buttress the government’s effort in providing solutions to key issues confronting the well-being of the people there.

Blama Wright
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