House Leadership Frowns On Lawmakers

The leadership of the House of Representatives, through Deputy Speaker, Cllr. Jonathan Fonati Koffa, has frowned on members of the House of Representatives for their alleged failure to go to session on time.

   Serving as Presiding Officer during the 2nd Day Sitting of the 5th Session of the Honorable House of Representatives, the Deputy Speaker reminded his colleagues to be cognizant of Rule 2 of that august body, which speaks about lawmakers reporting to work on time to do the Liberian people’s work.

  Rule 2.1 states that Daily Sessions of the House of Representatives shall be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., at which time roll call and votes are taken, while Mondays and Wednesdays are set aside for Committee meetings, and Fridays to be observed for constituency business.

 Deputy Speaker Koffa said it is disgraceful to see the Speaker and his Deputy seated waiting for honorable members of the House to start the people’s business.

   He described the situation as completely embarrassing for the entire body.

The Deputy Speaker said he believes it is a disservice to ordinary citizens for lawmakers to stay away from session without a formal excuse to the Chief Clerk’s office.

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