The plenary of the House of Representatives has rejected a concurrence act from the Liberian Senate on pension and benefits for selected government officials. Recently, members of the Liberian Senate voted in favor of “An Act Adopting an Integrated Pension and Benefits Scheme for certain Categories of Government Officials and to Repeal and or Amend Certain Portions of Tilted 19, Legislative Act, Title 12, Executive Law and Title 17 of the Judiciary Law of 1972”.
Representatives on Capitol Hill reached the decision to reject concurring with the Liberian Senate on Thursday, September 8, 2022 during the 10th day sitting of the special session of the 5th session of the 54th Legislature. Representative Clarence Massaquoi, Lofa County, made the motion to reject the instrument and return it back to the Liberian Senate with detailed explanation for the rejection, following a heated debate.
According to the act, the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Pro-tempore of the Liberian Senate, the President, Vice President, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and all Associate Justices, Senators and Representatives who are retired and have no means of gainful employment should be given fifty percent (50%) of their previous salaries and benefits. The act also seeks to grant said pension and benefits to the spouse of the deceased or children in the above-mentioned positions.
Members of the House on Thursday, during open Session, expressed disappointment over the act which they claimed is totally against the interest of the Liberian people. Some Representatives, including Ivar Jones, Rogers Domah, Johnson Gwaikolo, Matthew Joe, Mary Kawor, of Margibi, Nimba and Grand Bassa counties, respectively, wondered how and why could such an instrument passed through the elders (the Liberian Senate). Plenary overwhelmingly voted against the Senate Engrossed Bill #10 .
“The Integrated Pension and Benefits Act of 2022” is being widely criticized by the public. Liberians at home and abroad consider the act as wicked and totally against the suffering masses. Many radio talk show callers have applauded members of the House of Representatives for their prompt action rejecting such an instrument. According to them, the action by the House rescuing the country will be recorded in history.