LDEA Highlight Gains Made In 2020

LDEA Chief of Public Relations, Michael Jipply

The Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) has highlighted its gains made in 2020. Addressing a group of reporters at the headquarters of the agency, Michael Jipply, Chief of Public Relations of the agency, noted that the press conference was meant to inform the public about achievements and challenges of the LDEA during the year 2020.

   According to him, despite the occurrence of the deadly Coronavirus in the country last year, the LDEA still arrested huge narcotics substances, worth over L$796,971,720, from across Liberia. In addition, he said L$13,500,000 worth of narcotic drugs was destroyed in February 2020, while in November 2020 L$700,000,000 worth of narcotics substances was also destroyed by authorities of the LDEA.

   Providing statistic on the amount of people arrested by the LDEA in 2020, he said about 116 male and 21 female suspects were arrested, putting the total number at 137. Jipply noted that, out of 137 suspects arrested, 25 were investigated and forwarded to court, while the remaining 99 cases are pending court trial.

   He said the LDEA recognizes its Maryland County Detachment Commander, Agent Joseph Taggedine, for the highest amount of narcotic drugs arrested in the country. The LDEA Chief of Public Relations stated that the total seizures of illegal substances arrested during the period under review include Cocaine, 154.4 grams; Heroin, 5,107 grams; Marijuana, 387 kilograms, Codeine, 180 grams; Estacy, 16 grams; and fireams, 7. Jipply said the firearms were turned over to the relevant authorities in charge of disposing illegal weapons, while the narcotics were destroyed by the LDEA.

   Commenting on achievements made last year by the agency, he noted that the LDEA trained and graduated about 65 new agents in basic law enforcement courses. According to him, the first huge quantity of narcotics substances arrested was worth L$13,500,000 and was destroyed at Disco Hill, lower Margibi County.

   He said his institution greatly supported the joint security operations across the country, and after the lifting of the nationwide lockdown and the subsequent holding of the December 8, 2020 senatorial by-elections about fifty LDEA officers were successful in completing Basic Riot Control Training at the Liberia National Police Training Academy.

   He spoke on a wide range of issues confronting the operation of the LDEA, but ended by certificating several journalists whom, according him, over the period have worked tirelessly in providing the necessary information to the public.

LDEA highlights gains in 2020Michael Jipply
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