Liberia Pushes For Category “A” Membership At IMO

A high-level Government of Liberia (GOL) delegation, led by the Commissioner of the Liberia Maritime Authority (LMA), Lenn Eugene Nagbe, has made a compelling case for Category “A” membership with the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

   Making Liberia’s case at the IMO’s headquarters in London on Tuesday, Commissioner Nagbe highlighted the strategic role the country plays in the maritime industry—having the second largest shipping registry in the world, and the country’s long history of dedicated engagement with the IMO.

   He said Liberia remains an outstanding industry leader in keeping with its obligations to the IMO, which are across technical and administrative decision-making. This, he said, continues to enhance the direction of global shipping and maritime. 

   Commissioner Nagbe asserted that the Category “A” seat will accord Liberia the standing reflective of its role in the sector, as well as boost its ability to optimize the broader objectives of the IMO.

   Speaking earlier, Liberia’s Ambassador accredited to London, Gurly T. Gibson Schwarz, underscored Liberia’s “progressive” history with the IMO and its diversified contributions towards the organization’s growth and development.

  She noted that a Category “A” presence on the IMO represents an important goal, which will commensurate with Liberia’s status. She indicated that it will also ensure more strategic contributions from the country.

   The Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Kitack LiM, also hailed Liberia for its historic role and important contributions to the IMO and the maritime industry over the years. He commended the country for its many contributions across technical and administrative functionaries.

   Meanwhile, Liberia has been commended for its timely financial contributions to the IMO. The organization’s Chief Scribe said Liberia’s aspiration to increase its decision-making stake on the Council deserves consideration.

   He said the IMO remains committed to continue advancing the cause of the global body in transforming world shipping and maritime activities, while emphasizing the need for close collaboration among member states and partners.

   The Liberian delegation at the presentation ceremony included Lenn Eugene Nagbe, Commissioner, Liberia Maritime Authority (LMA); Cllr. Margaret C. Ansumana, Principal Deputy Commissioner; H.E. Gurly T. Gibson Schwarz, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Liberia accredited to London;  Israel Akinsanya, Commissioner for Governmental Affairs, Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA); Harry T. Conway, Alternative Permanent Representative of Liberia to the IMO; Hilary P. Sackie, Chief  of Finance, Liberia Maritime Authority.

Liberia’s delegation along with the IMO Secretary General pose for a photo
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