LNBA Vows To Work With International Partners To Protect The Peace; Welcomes US Charge d’Affairs’ Statement

The Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA) has welcomed the recent statement from the United States embassy calling on the Government of Liberia (GOL) to ensure that the pending October 10, 2023 general and presidential elections are fair, free and peaceful, and will not hesitate to hold accountable those who would attempt to disrupt it.

   The United States government, through its Charge d’Affairs at the US embassy near Monrovia, Catherine Rodriguez, at her first press roundtable indicated that the “United States is also prepared to assist in efforts to keep these elections free, fair and peaceful by holding accountable anyone responsible for engaging in activities to undermine the democratic election process in Liberia through additional measures such as sanctions”.

   The LNBA said the US government, bilateral and multilateral partners’ call on the government to “invest an adequate level of money, personnel and organizational resources to protect citizens, candidates, polling stations and election workers from intimidation or harm” cannot be overemphasized during the period of the election. “The LNBA fully appreciates the US government’s recent disclosure that as a ‘longstanding partner with Liberia, along with the international community, it has been working closely with the National Elections Commission (NEC) to make sure that elections observers have full access to polling stations during elections day as well as access to vote tallying’,” a LNBA press statement observed. The Bar says Liberians are even more grateful to the United States, through USAID, for directly supporting both international and domestic observer mission, as well as the US government’s own mission observing the process throughout the country.

   “As the world watches, the LNBA calls on all eligible Liberian citizens to brace the pending electoral process with courage and conviction, and must see it as a solemn responsibility and civic duty to freely participate in elections to choose their leaders, which is an indispensable principle of a vibrant rule of law regime,” the LNBA statement noted.

   The Bar underscored that the successful holding of the October polls will further cement the democratic gains made over the years, but warned that the Bar will not condone any reckless action from any anti-democratic elements desirous of undermining the peace and tranquility currently enjoyed by Liberians.

   “The LNBA fully assures its membership and the Liberian public that no one has the capacity to rig the October 10, 2023 elections in order to thwart the democratic wishes and aspirations of the Liberian people and, as such, speculations that there is a conspiracy to grossly subvert the will of the Liberian people during the October elections is evil and has no foundation in the democratic system of our country. Absolutely there is no window of opportunity for anyone to derail the peace of the country, as it has received sufficient commitment from international partners that such actions by anyone will be materially consequential,” the Bar warned.

   In a related development, the LNBA says it is in full agreement with the former Chairman of the Electoral Commission of Ghana, Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan, that “manipulation of electoral results in recent times has taken place at collation centers, where votes are tabulated”.

    “In the wake of the recent statement by one of the world most accomplished electoral experts, Dr. Afari Gyan, the LNBA therefore calls on the National Elections Commission (NEC) to institute a robust polling and results management processes with clear procedures and instructions in a manner known to the stakeholders way ahead of elections,” the LNBA emphasized.

   Meanwhile, the LNBA has called on the Government of Liberia (GOL) to provide all needed funds to the National Elections Commission (NEC) to capacitate the election body to carry out its activities without cutting corners to impair fair and credible election outcomes in October. 

International Partners To Protect The PeaceLNBA
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