Min. Wlue Honored By YMCA Old Timers Basketball Association

Min. Samuel Wlue

The President of the YMCA Old Timers Basketball Association, Samuel Wlue, says rendering humanitarian and sacrificial services to less fortunate and needy Liberians in society is the greatest desire any well-thanking and well-meaning human being can ever dream about to be remembered by while living here on this earth.

    Sam Wlue, also Minister of Transport, quoted a popular saying that “To whom much is given, much is expected”. He challenged other well-meaning Liberians not to use their God-given resources only for the betterment of they and their families, but should ensure the improvement of humanity. This, he said, involves sharing as a way of improving and developing the human resources of society and the nation at large.

   Wlue said providing humanitarian assistance was his way of sharing to demonstrate that people who have little more worth by God’s grace can make a change in society by making the best out of what they have through touching and lending little helping hands to others to improve their lives and that of their families. 

   The Minister of Transport spoke on Saturday, 3 October 2020 when members of the YMCA Old Timers Basketball Association at an elaborate program certificated and growned Minister Wlue for his many humanitarian and sacrificial services rendered the association under his energetic vibrant leadership, even in the midst of economic and health difficulties.

    Presenting and gowning Sam Wlue, two veteran Lone Star Basketball Team players, Benedict Blackie Sayer and Eric Watts said the YMCA President has continued to show his able leadership and has perfectly stirred the affairs of the association, even in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in Liberia.

   Sayer and Watts said had it not been for the capable leadership of the Sam Wlue as President, mainly in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the YMCA Basketball Association would have ceased to exist. The Liberian veteran basketball players said since the outbreak of the coronavirus, even when it was not permissible to play basketball in Liberia, Wlue kept the YMCA Old Timer Basketballers together through his many humanitarian gestures.  

    Also making remarks at the jubilant celebration with a cross-section of staff of the Ministry of Transport, Montserrado County Representative, Dixon Sebo, challenged other well-meaning Liberians to see sharing as a positive change for society. Representative Sebo said he was inspired by the Minister Wlue’s statement, “sharing a little with others”.   

Basketball AssociationMin. Sam WlueYMCA Oldtimers
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