MOL Orders LAC Rubber Processing Factory’s Reopening

The Ministry of Labor has ordered the reopening of the rubber processing factory at the Liberia Agriculture Company (LAC), Grand Bassa County.

   The ministry’s decision follows the inspection of the company’s facilities by an independent team and technicians of the Ministry of Labor and the installation of modern safety electrical and monitoring devices to strengthen the safety of its factory workers. The Ministry of Labor is also pleased for the signing of a memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the family of the late Emmanuel Joe, who recently met his untimely and tragic death as a result of an industrial accident at the company.

   During a meeting with the management of LAC, the deceased’s family and workers union, in which the ministries of Agriculture and Justice participated, Labor Minister, Cllr. Charles H. Gibson, expressed satisfaction over the level of cooperation shown by the management of LAC in giving the technical assessment team from the Labor Ministry and from the Nimba Rubber Incorporated (Cocopa) the freedom to carry out their work without interference. He however emphasized that the criminal investigation by the LNP through the Ministry of Justice and the regulatory work of Labor Ministry continues.

   Cllr. Gibson hailed the level of social dialogues held between the management and the family of the deceased, which resulted into the signing of a MOU between the two parties.

   Minister Gibson mandated the company to allow the salary of the deceased to run for the next three months to allow the widow to adjust herself and take care of some domestic affairs.

   A spokesman for the family said a MOU has been concluded between them and the management of LAC. He disclosed further that the company has met condition set for the burial of their relative. On the issue of the building of housing units, as demanded by the family, he said that the company provided US$20,000 and US$1,000 to transport family members who attended the burial ceremony of the late Emmanuel. He added that LAC has agreed to provide employment for three family members, including the widow, and to maintain the children in school.

   Also speaking during the meeting, the management of LAC lauded the Government of Liberia (GOL) for its intervention in amicably resolving the situation surrounding the death of the company’s late employee.

   The management said that, with the support of technicians from the Ministry of Labor and the independent inspection team, the management had put in place several measures to prevent the reoccurrence of the industrial accident.

   Meanwhile, Labor Minister, Charles H. Gibson, has scheduled for Thursday, September 9, 2021 a follow-up with the LAC management and the family of the deceased, in continuation of the dialogue.

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