Political Action Bureau Dismisses Allegation Against Pro-Temp Chie

The Political Action Bureau for the Re-Election of President George Manneh Weah says, cognizant of the danger that misinformation and disinformation poses to the reputation of ordinary citizens and officials of government alike, it has launched a fact-finding initiative into allegation of a donation of fleet of pickups to opposition Unity Party by Senate Pro Temp, Prof. Albert T. Chie.

   In a release issued over the weekend, the group said, “Having engaged some officials of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), some officials of the Unity Party (UP), Senate Pro Temp Albert T. Chie, some media outlets, Facebook bloggers, car dealers in Monrovia, some government offices such as the Customs Bureau of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), the National Port Authority (NPA) and some other institutions and individuals, we found no evidence whatsoever, that at no time, now and before, did Senate Pro Temp, Hon. Albert T. Chie, made a donation of pickups to the Unity Party; that there exists no record at various car dealers in Monrovia to show that Senate Pro Temp Chie made purchase(s) of more than two pickups; records and evidence show that the Senate Pro-temp obtained two JAC pickups on credit from the JAC car dealership in Congo Town in February 2023, a Land Cruiser hardtop jeep and a Toyota Hilux pickup from Cica Motors through the Africa Motors in April 2023, also on credit. Physical evidence shows that he used these vehicles during his recent tour of the southeast and on the BVR process in Grand Kru County; and that there exists record at the Bureau of Customs of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), located at the National Port Authority (NPA) that show that Pro Temp Chie made an importation of three used pickups from the USA into the country. He showed us physical evidence of the use of these pickups. These three used pickups are all packed now awaiting repairs from damage on the southeast road.”

   The group, headed by Morris A.S. Swen as Chairman, challenged anyone within the pubic to provide evidence contrary to its findings. 

   “Given the established facts outlined above, the Political Action Bureau for the Re-Election of President George Manneh Weah has termed the allegation against Senate Pro Temp Hon Albert T. Chie as fake, unrealistic, diabolical, reckless, irresponsible and lacks an iota of truth telling.

   “It is highly inconceivable to believe that Senate Pro Temp Albert T. Chie will be working very hard within counties of southeastern Liberia to ensure the success of the re-election of President George Manneh Weah for a second term of office then at the same time undermining his own efforts by empowering opposition Unity Party with a donation of pickups. This is the craziest thing that a level headed man like Hon. Chie will ever do. More to this, what interest Hon Chie has to the extent of donating pickups to the Unity Party when in fact the UP has named Senator Nyonblee Karganga Lawrence as its candidate for the Senate Pro Temp position in 2024. Again, this is the craziest thing Hon. Chie will ever do.

   “Finally, the Political Action Bureau for the Re-Election of President George Manneh Weah is calling on partisans and sympathizers of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) to remain alert politically to resist all forms of propaganda ploys that has the proclivity of dividing the party and weakening its ability to sustain the second term-election bid of President George Manneh Weah.

   “Say no to agents provocateurs who are seeking to implore the use of divisive tactics to undermine the winning spirit of the CDC in the October 10, 2023 presidential and legislative elections,” the release continued.

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