Pregnant Women, Children To Benefit From Medical Aid Soon

MHI Africa Director/Vice President, Rev. Brima J. Fatorma

The Millennium Hope International (MHI) Incorporated has welcomed the medical donation received from its partner, Vitamin Angels, intended for pregnant women and children between nine months and five years.

   MHI, in collaboration with Prison Assistant Project (PAP), recently received a consignment of medical supplements from Vitamin Angels, a US-based organization, for onward distribution to pregnant women and children. Items received include pre-natal supplements, Vitamin A for children above 11 months and below 5 years, Deworm tablets, etc.

   Speaking to the Hot Pepper on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, MHI Africa Director/Vice President, Rev. Brima J. Fatorma, disclosed that, beginning Monday, February 15, 2021, his organization will begin a data collection survey, which precedes the distribution of the items. He said while collecting data in various communities and districts, community awareness will be fully carried out along with the recruitment of volunteers for the distribution, after which a formal training will be carried out for the volunteers to guide and empower them on how to go about with the distribution.

   According to Rev. Fatorma, the data collection is intended to inform them about the number of private and public hospitals in each district in Montserrado County, and the number of hospitals that will accept their request to serve as a center for the distribution of the medical supply. He said, due to scarcity of resources, they selected five districts in Montserrado County to be the first beneficiaries: #8, #9, #10, #16 and #17.

   The MHI Africa Director explained that 2,000 pregnant women and 1,000 children are being targeted in each of the five districts, bringing the number of the expected beneficiaries to 10,000 pregnant women and 5,000 children.

   He disclosed that a plan is underway to extend the distribution to other districts, as well as other counties, but depending on the availability of resources.

   “Millennium Hope International is a not-for-profit organization established in 2009, with the objective of providing help for the downtrodden in the Liberian society as well as prison-center Gospel ministries. The group is in the provision of relief items, medical services, trainings, relief items and impact evangelism,” Rev. Fatorma told the Hot Pepper.

   He used the occasion to express appreciation to their partner, Vitamin Angels, for the donation, and appealed to local health workers and health centers to cooperate with them in the endeavor, as the donated items will hugely benefit the targeted population.

MHI welcomes medical donationMillennium Hope InternationalPrison Assistant ProjectRev. Brima FatormaVitamin Angels
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