Pres. Weah Delivers 5th Annual Message Today

Pres. Weah Delivers 5th Annual Message Today

President George M. Weah is expected to deliver his 5th annual message on today, Monday, January 24, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. in the Joint Chamber of the National Legislature on Capitol Hill. The President will be addressing the nation on national and international issues in fulfilment of the 1986 Constitution.

   In accordance with Article 58 of the Liberian Constitution, which states; “The President shall, on the fourth working Monday in January of each year, present the administration’s legislative program for the ensuing session, and shall once a year report to the Legislature on the state of the Republic. In presenting the economic condition of the Republic the report shall cover expenditure as well as income”, the President will be addressing members of the 54thLegislature on his administration’s activities.

   In gracing the occasion as per the protocol, in line with the Constitution, the Chief Justice, members of the Christian community, members of the Muslim community, ambassadors of foreign countries accredited to Liberia, heads of ministries and agencies and members of the civil society organizations are all expected to witness the President’s State-of-the-Nation address on today.

   In accordance with Article 33 of the Constitution, members of the Liberian Senate and the House of Representatives shall meet in the joint Chamber for the sole purpose of receiving the President’s annual message for the 5th Session with the Speaker presiding.  Article 33 reads, “Simple majority of each House shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a lower number may adjourn from day to day and compel the attendance of absent members. Whenever the House of Representatives and the Senate shall meet in joint session, the presiding officer of the House of Representatives shall preside.”

   Ahead of the President’s annual message, the Chairperson of the House’s Committee on Rules, Order and Administration, Representative Johnson Gwaikolo, Nimba County’s district #9, told the Hot Pepper that the Legislature is fully prepared to receive the President’s 5th annual message on the Constitutional date, Monday, January 24, 2022.

   Evidence of the Legislature’s preparedness for the President’s annual message, according to Chairman Gwaikolo, is the current major renovation on-going at the ground of the Capitol Building. According to him, the rapid advancement of the work is intended to give the Building a good facelift for the State-of-the-Nation address.

   The Nimba County district #9 legislator explained that the bathrooms, three Chambers and offices of the building are being fully renovated. He pointed out that about 75% of the renovation has been completed. The work is expected to be completed in March of this year, according to him.  The cost of the renovation, according to Dr. Gwaikolo, is US$1.4 million.

   Political analysts have already predicted the President’s annual message, noting that it will be dominated with the outbreak of the COVID-19. According to political pundits, the outbreak caused major setbacks for the country and the world at large, and therefore President has nothing much to show as a result of the viral disease.

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