Rev. Ward Blasts Opposition

A renowned Baptist clergyman, Rev. Emmanuel Ward, has taken the opposition to task for lying to the Liberian people that President George M. Weah would not meet with his French counterpart, President Emmanuel Macron.

   Rev. Ward said, contrary to the opposition’s prediction about President Weah’s trip to Paris, France, the President met with President Macron and a list of other international change-makers.

   According to him, if the opposition does not have anything to offer the Liberian people they should keep quiet and stop spreading false information. “I still don’t understand why the opposition said our President will not meet with President Macron,” Rev. Ward noted.

   He urged the opposition to refrain from engaging in vices that have the potential of undermining the effort of the government in improving the living condition of the citizens. He warned them to put aside their political differences and work with the government to promote development, unity and reconciliation, in the interest of the state.

   Rev. Ward said the role of the opposition is to criticize the government for missteps and make positive suggestions that will redirect the government’s course of action, in the interest of the people, but not to spread false information.

   The pastor of the Third Providence Baptist Church made the statement on Sunday when he delivered his first Sunday sermon for the month of July. He spoke on the theme, “The legacy of Fatherhood”, Genesis 49:24—30 and Hebrews 1:1—2, noting that fathers should set good examples that their children will follow to become good citizens.

   He said not all men are fathers because some men have a “don’t care” attitude toward their children and home, noting that some men abandon their homes and stay with girlfriends.  

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