Senate Sets Today For Amb. Kemayah’s Confirmation Hearings

Foreign Minister-Designate, Dee Maxwell Kemayah

The Liberian Senate has announced the process leading to the confirmation hearings of Minister of Foreign Affairs-designate, Ambassador Dee Maxwell Kemayah.

   According to a statement from the Liberian Senate, the process will commence on Monday, September 21, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. in the Annex Chamber of the Senate, and will be conducted by the Senate Statutory Committee on Foreign Relations, chaired by Maryland County Senator, H. Dan Morais.

   The Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee’s Chairperson, Senator Morais, says the Senate takes serious interest in the hearings and, as such, wants it to claim the attention of all stakeholders, international partners, diplomatic missions near Monrovia, the public and the media.

   The statement quoting the Director of Press at the Liberian Senate, Jarlawah A. Tonpo, says the hearing will be conducted publicly and live on both radio and online TV stations to afford Liberians living in and abroad to observe the process. Tonpo says, in line with legislative confirmation practices, those who have questions and concerns should process them through the Chairperson, or any member of the committee not later than Monday morning, September 21, 2020, before the commencement of the hearings.

   Meanwhile, considering the health protocols that are still in place in the country as a result of the COVID-19 and due to space and seating capacities within the Chambers of the Liberian Senate, the hearings, though it is anticipated to generate huge public attendance, will be conducted under a seriously restricted atmosphere to abide by all health protocols instituted by the Government of Liberia.

Senate Sets
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