“Take Your Hands From The Cookie Jar”; Bishop Nugba Warns Pres. Boakai and Officials

The Diocesan Bishop of the Abosso Apostolic Faith Church of Jesus Christ, Samuel Fornatee Nugba, has called on President Joseph Nyuma Boakai and his government officials to “take their hands from the cookie jar” and address the pressing issues of the citizens, as was demonstrated by Prophet Nehemiah in the Bible.

   According to the renowned Liberian cleric, Prophet Nehemiah prioritized addressing the needs and wants of God’s people he was leading and ignored enriching himself or his family at the detriment of the people.

   In an exclusive interview with the Hot Pepper at the climax of the church’s “Prayer for the Nation” ceremony on Sunday, October 13, 2024 on the Bushrod Island, Bishop Nugba underscored that Liberians are not looking for any Nehemiah anymore to lead them, stating that President Boakai and his officials are now leading the citizens and acting in the capacity of Nehemiah.

   “We have Nehemiah in the national government but their hands are in the cookie jar, and until they can take their hands out and focus on giving the people better livelihood the citizens will continue to cry on their names for poor leadership and bad governance,” he noted.

   Drawing a parallel scenario in the Holy Bible, the prelate emphasized that Nehemiah did not take authority and immediately started dismissing civil servants, breaking the laws on the book and failing to provide job opportunities for the citizens.

   He further named deplorable roads, unstable electricity, broken economy, rampant corruption, the absence of recreation activities, poor education system, arcade airport, lack of transparency and accountability among government officials as challenges facing the nation. “I think the President needs to stand up to those things and demonstrate the political will,” he observed.

   Bishop Nugba also urged the Liberian leader to demonstrate the political will by ensuring that his appointed officials work in the interest of the citizens and take administrative actions against those who are said to be involved in corrupt activities.

   He further blasted other government officials in the National Legislature and the Judiciary for seeking their personal interest, while the suffering masses are left alone to fight for themselves. “You’re fighting for yourselves, including your families, but the people who elected you or made you get jobs do not have anyone to fight for them; that is so sad and unacceptable.

   “They should be Nehemiah for this country and build back the walls of Liberia, and if they do we will support and celebrate them,” he stated.

   Bishop Nugba has at the same time commended Liberians, past and current regimes, and other political actors for keeping the peace during and after major national elections coupled with successful transition of power as a result of the “Prayer for the Nation” campaign, which is held every year by members of the Abosso Apostolic Faith Church of Jesus Christ.

   The church members and leaders select a special time each year to thank God for the nation, pray for the national leaders and also offer special prayers for the citizens.

   Bishop Nugba lauded his members across the country for their support and commitment to the Kingdom of God. “If nobody wants to stand in the vanguard, this church is always in the position to pray for the nation and its people, and God has always been good in answering our prayers,” he asserted.

Bishop Samuel Fornatee Nugba
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