Team Wesseh To Drag PUL’s Cuffey To Court

AJUR Victoria Wesseh and PUL Charles Cuffey

Team Victoria Wesseh for the leadership of the Association of Judicial Reporters (AJUR) has announced its decision to drag to court Charles Cuffey, President of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), for interfering into AJUR’s electoral activities, thus leading to the premature halting of the process.

   It can be recalled that on the eve of the election, PUL announced through a press release that it was halting the process based on claim that the election committee, headed by former PUL President, James Kiazolu, was at a center of confusion.

   Team Victoria Wesseh noted that Cuffey will be dragged to court in order for him to be educated and to bear the consequences of his illegal action.

   Team Victoria Wesseh reminded Cuffey that AJUR is not a PUL auxiliary, and meddling into the association’s activities is illegal. As far as the Team Victoria Wesseh is concerned, PUL is on record for not being credible, judging from the fraudulent election that gave Cuffey his second term, characterized by vote rigging, withdrawal of his main challenger, court actions and public condemnations.

   The group advised PUL to focus on its bread-and-butter issues it is faced with, including the whereabouts of the US$10,000 given by Dr. Daniel Cassell of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP) during the union’s anniversary in Bomi County, and to stop reducing its activities to only World Press Freedom Day and anniversary simply to extort money from politicians.

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