With US Financial, Technical Aid: NSA Dedicates US$1.2 Million National Headquarters

After 46 years of its establishment, the National Security Agency (NSA), headed by Director James Henric Pearson, has finally constructed, unveiled and dedicated a million-dollar headquarters, giving the intelligence agency an international reputation and standard. The dedication ceremony was held on Good Friday, April 2, 2021 at White Plains, Montserrado County, with members of the intelligence community of Liberia, Sierra Leone and the United States of America, as well as officials of government, converging to commemorate the occasion.

   The cost of the building is placed at US$1.2 million (one million two hundred thousand United States dollars), with reportedly US$300,000 (three hundred thousand United States dollars) given by the United States government, in addition to technical support. The construction of the building lasted for approximately 28 (twenty-eight) months, and was carried out by the local staff of the agency, supervised by Director Pearson himself.

   According to information, with advice, senior staffs of the agency were excluded from the implementation of the project because, in the event of misapplication and mismanagement of funds, it would require a number of bureaucracies to discipline them, which would have prolonged the duration of the project or bring the entire project to a standstill.

   The National Security Agency (NSA) is an apolitical government intelligence institution that is solely tasked with the gathering/collection, analyzing and dissemination of national security information for decision/policy makers, including the President of the Republic of Liberia. “The agency is committed to service, knowing that our citizens, friends and allies are relying on us for our dedication, fulfillment and commitment to serve in pursuit of excellence in our critical mission. The agency is committed to ensuring that all NSA personnel are respected, valued and included for their diverse backgrounds, experiences, skills and contributions to our mission and culture,” the mission statement of the agency reads.

   At the dedication ceremony, Gerald F. Smith, Deputy Director for Administration, National Security Agency (NSA), disclosed that the new NSA headquarters sits on 10.2 acres of land and will comprise of a mini-medical clinic, a cafeteria and a firing range. He used the occasion to welcome the gathering to the historic event.

NSA Deputy Director for Administration, Gerald F. Smith

   The Senior Advisor of the United States embassy accredited new Monrovia, Nathaniel Bell, noted that the US intelligence agency has been a strong partner to Liberia “and we will continue to offer our support, that will strengthen the capabilities of this great organization.

   “First of all, let me commend Director J. Henric Pearson for a job well done. He deserves a lot of credit for his leadership for bringing this project together,” the US embassy’s Senior Advisor noted.

   In special remarks, the Director of the NSA, James H. Pearson, said he was especially thankful to His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah, for the opportunity to serve in his administration. “I am happy being one of his agents of building Liberia, manifested by the construction of NSA’s own headquarters since its inception in 1974.”

   He asked the proxy of President Weah at the Program, Minister of States for Presidential Affairs and Acting Chairman of the Cabinet, Nathaniel F. McGill, to kindly convey his personal sentiments, on this occasion, to the President of the nation. He gratified the government and people of the United States of America for their unwavering demonstrated partnership to the NSA’s service by immensely funding the building of the edifice.

   “We want to recognize the leadership and individuals of our American counterparts, who have exemplified steady commitment from the clearing of this land to the last touches of completion of our new home. We wholeheartedly embrace, with humility and renewed collaboration, your engagement with our service as we pursue the vision of ensuring peace and security mutually at home and abroad,” he noted.

   “To the members of the joint security, we welcome you to our office and assure you of our steadfast commitment in providing the quality intelligence in ensuring the security of Liberians and foreign residents and their properties are protected,” he added.

   “To my esteem colleagues of the National Security Agency, we say a big thank you to you all, especially those officers that were directly involved in bringing this live dream in acquiring our own headquarters. Our efforts commenced from our first Director, Patrick Minikor, and the long line of directors who served our intelligence community. May we observe a moment of silence for those who have gone before us…May their souls rest in perfect peace,” Director Peason stated.

NSA Director, James Henric Pearson

   “To this generation of NSA officers, let us be reminded that the transition to our new White Plains facility calls for a new attitude and approach to how the NSA operates. Our actions are squared by the statutes of the NSA enshrined in the Security and Intelligence Act of 2011 and the handbook of the NSA—that all employees of the agency took oath.”

    He emphasized that the NSA is apolitical. “The NSA is apolitical, dedicated to the service of Liberia and reporting directly to the President of Liberia. The legislative committees in both Houses have legislative oversights, which complements the work of the NSA. Diligence, search for truth, professionalism and loyalty to the state must be defined in our purpose of employment with the NSA. Under my leadership, I will continue to uphold those values and activities that strengthen the egos of what I have just mentioned,” the NSA Director said. 

   “Once again, Honorable Minister, please extend to His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah, my appreciation for his continued support and confidence in me. With God above, we will work assiduously to protect and defend this glorious land of liberty, by God’s command. I thank you,” Director Pearson concluded.

   Also, in remarks, the Ambassador of the United States of America to Liberia, H.E. Michael McCarthy, said it was an honor to participate in the dedication of the NSA headquarters, which appears safe, spacious, purpose-built and technologically capable for the man and women of Liberia’s intelligence service. He said the construction of the building signals the strong and continued partnership between the United States and Liberia, especially in the area of national security.

US Ambassador accredited near Monrovia, H.E. Michael McCarthy

   He, too, emphasized that the NSA is a professional, apolitical organization with high morale to the commitment to duty, focused on the security of the people and the government of Liberia. “One of the lessons that have been repeatedly underscored is the importance of collecting objective information and intelligence, free of political interference and influence, for effective government decision- and policy-making,” Ambassador McCarthy said.

   Cllr. Frank Musah Dean, in remarks, noted that the work of the NSA is very important in the Liberian governance system. According to him, every sector of governance—agriculture, education, health, etc.—needs intelligence to smoothly conduct their affairs. He thanked the US government for their cooperation, which Liberia enjoys. He assured them of Liberia remaining a reliable partner, as they are always ready to cooperate. He noted that the NSA is made up of people who are apolitical in their operations.

Minister of Justice, Cllr. Frank Musah Dean

   The Chairman of the Security and Intelligence Committee of the Liberian Senate, Senator Stephen J.H. Zargo, described the NSA as the cream of the nation’s intelligence space and recognized the role the Americans are playing in the first and external lines of defense for Liberia. While thanking them for the effort, Senator Zargo urged them to re-engage with the security sector to guide its steps.

   According to him, the security sector of Liberia should have been the best within the sub-region, but has challenges with training, manpower and technological equipment. “If you provide the needed logistics for us, you can rest assured that when we are giving you intelligence about what is happening in West Africa, as it relates terrorism and related information, it will be a value-added information,” Senator Zargo told the Americans.

Senator Stephen Zargo, Chairman, Senate Committee on Security and Intelligence

   “I have never placed a call to Pearson, but he is probably one of the best we have in Liberia now. I say this without fear or favor, and I say it from the bottom of my heart,” Senator Zargo rained praises on Director Pearson.  

   On behalf of President Weah, who was out of the country, Minister McGill conveyed to Ambassador McCarthy Liberia’s profound gratitude for the historic project. “This project signifies the strong, long and cordial relationship between the United States of America and the Republic of Liberia. The US has always been there whenever we needed you—you’ve supported our military and other sectors of our national security—and you are here today again identifying with our national intelligence sector. America will always be here. The erection of this office is a signification,” Minister McGill noted.

Pres. Weah’s proxy, Min. McGill, cuts the ribbon to the newly constructed NSA headquarters

   He said America will continue to be Liberia’s reliable partner, not only during this generation but for generations to come; therefore, Liberia will always be grateful. He said President Weah had asked for him to tell Ambassador McCarthy to convey to the President of the United States, Joseph Biden, of Liberia’s commitment to continue to stand with and by the United States of America.

   Minister McGill, on behalf of President Weah, cut the ribbon to the building and declared the building open for operations.

   On August 30, 1974, the Act creating the National Security Agency (NSA) was put into handbill and published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The NSA came into being after a merger between the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), which was responsible for covert and overt security investigations, and the Executive Action Bureau (EAB), which was responsible for carrying out clandestine activities for the Executive.

   During the Tubman era in the early 70s, similar functions of the EAB were carried out by the National Intelligence Services (NISS). The NISS was dissolved after the death of President William V.S. Tubman, leaving the EAB at the time as the only clandestine agency.

   On May 20, 1974, an Act repealing Sub-Chapter “D” of Chapter 1, Part 1 and Sub-Chapter “B” of Chapter 22, Part 2 of the Executive Law in relations to the EAB and the NBI created the NSA.

   When the NSA was created in 1974, its sole purpose was to create a clearing house for foreign policy, intelligence and analysis. Today, its primary purpose is to collect, analyze, evaluate and disseminate foreign intelligence, perform covert actions and disseminate national security information for decision/policy makers, including the President of the Republic of Liberia.

Ambassador Michael McCarthyCllr. Frank Musah DeanGerald SmithJames Henric PearsonNational Security Agency (NSA)NSA dedicates National HeadquartersSenator Stephen ZargoUS financially aids Liberia
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