As Gov’t Approves “We Tiyah Suffering” Rally: “A Chance To Make Our Voices Heard Loud And Clear”–Cummings says


As the Minister of Justice and Acting Chairman of the Cabinet, Cllr. Frank Musah Dean, Jr., approves and grants clearance to the planned “We Tiyah Suffering” political rally, the Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Party (CPP), Alexander Cummings, has emphasized that this is the chance that Liberians have to make their voices heard loud and clear.

 The rally will be held within the outside space of the Samuel K. Doe Complex on Saturday, December 17, 2022 by the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) and other political and civil groupings.

   In a letter to the Deputy National Secretary General of the CPP, Martin Saye Kollah, Minister Dean said approving the rally was consistent with Article 17 of the Constitution, which guarantees, “All persons, at all times, in an orderly and peaceable manner…the right to assemble and consult upon the common good, to instruct their representatives, to petition the government or other functionaries for the redress of grievances and to associate fully with others or refuse to associate in political parties, trade unions and other organizations.”

    In addition to the approval, Minister Dean has directed the Liberia National Police (LNP) to provide the necessary protection for the citizens who will assemble on that day.

  However, Cummings argues that, in the face of massive outpouring of support for the rally from people from all walks of life and from every corner of the country, the government had no choice but to surrender to the will of the people, noting that the “We Tiyah Suffering” rally will go ahead as planned. He maintained that, by its Constitutional obligation, the government will and must provide security and protection for participants.

   According to Cummings, it was at the SKD Sports Complex that the “Weah Administration was inaugurated. It was where President Weah promised the Liberian people that his administration would ‘Change For Hope’.

   “Five years later, hopelessness has blanketed the whole country and is haunting every home and choking every Liberian family out of dignity and economic security.

   “On December 17, therefore, Liberians will return to the same SKD place not only to speak to the failures of the government but also to remind the government of its many broken promises to the people.” See Cummings’ full statement Below.


About two weeks ago, we announced an invitation to you, the Liberian people, to join the proposed Peaceful Rally on December 17th within the outer rim of the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex under the banner “We Tiyah Suffering!”

Immediately following that announcement, a barrage of threats of violence and intimidation against any participants of the planned rally was launched. Our own government itself put roadblocks in place that would obstruct this rally by decreeing the SKD Complex area off limits. We refused to back down! Because this is our Constitutional right!

Today, I am happy to inform you, the Liberian people, that YOU have won. And you will win many more rounds until final victory. In the face of massive outpouring of support for the rally from people from all walks of life and from every corner of the country, the government had no choice but to surrender to the will of the people. “We Tiyah Suffering!” December 17th Rally will go ahead as planned. And by its Constitutional obligation, the government will and MUST provide security and protection for participants.

My fellow Liberians, it goes without saying that you continue to inspire me and reinforce my belief that, together, we can and will achieve greatness. For the last seven years, I’ve made it my personal commitment to travel to all corners of Liberia and hear from the people who make up this beautiful country. From the peaceful lake of Cape Mount to the sparkling sandy beaches of Cape Palmas, from the verdant heights of Wologisi to the golden riches of Grand Gedeh, what I’ve learned is the guide for every decision I make and every action I take. In the face of adversity, caused by this government, you still continue to fight and do what you can for families and your communities. I continue to be energized by your perseverance, resilience, and your steadfastness.

However, the harsh reality we all know is that doing our part is NOT enough. We need a government that keeps its end of the bargain.

BUT maybe — maybe this government hasn’t done the work to know what the people across Liberia are going through. The suffering they are experiencing every day. Maybe there is a chance that this government has been living under a rock and is completely unaware of how hard life is for Liberians.

This rally is our chance to make our voices heard loud and clear.

We will rally for all who continue to give their best and are being repaid less than they deserve; all who struggle in the rain and under the sun, on farms, in offices, in markets, or in shops, are trying to look out for their families only to see their families crumbling everyday under the weight of too heavy a burden to bear; all who need medical attention but cannot afford the high costs; all who are trying as best as they can to do the right thing but are finding the means increasingly difficult; all whose dreams are fading despite their best efforts; all who fear the rising waves of crimes and drugs in their communities; all who fear our country being turned into transit point for drug trafficking, all who have served our country and are now abandoned by their country in retirement; young people and at risk youths filling prisons, streets and ghettos without hope; and all who are suffering in silence and are doing so in increasing sense of hopelessness.

I therefore invite all of our people to stand together ready to confront and overcome the fear of intimidation; to be watchful and attentive in our duty to preserve our peace and democracy; to stand against demagoguery, ethnicity, tribalism and all that which divides and affects us all and the future of our nation.

December 17 is, therefore, for all Liberians, irrespective of party, tribe, religion or gender.

December 17 is for all who are going to bed hungry; all whose salaries are wickedly cut under the pretext of harmonization; all who cannot pay school fees or hospital bills; all who are jobless; and all who are increasingly despondent.

December 17 is for Liberia. December 17 is for the people. Come to the SKD on December 17. It was the same place the Weah Administration was inaugurated. It was where President Weah promised the Liberian people that his administration would “Change For Hope”.

Five years later, hopelessness has blanketed the whole country and is haunting every home and choking every Liberian family out of dignity and economic security.

On December 17, therefore, Liberians will return to the same SKD place not only to speak to the failures of the government but also to remind the government of its many broken promises to the people.

Finally, as we ready for December 17, today and always, may we also never forget the words of the famous American Statesman and political philosopher, Benjamin Franklin, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

If you are happy, your family has enough food to eat and your life is better off today, please do not standby idly as your fellow Liberians suffer. Come and stand with those who have been let down by this administration and hear for yourself why they are tired and what they are tired of. Hopefully then we can join together and fight for the Liberia we all deserve.


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