Cape Mesurrado Lions Club Identifies With REACH-Liberia

Cape Mesurado Lions Club’s President, Makai Amblad, distributes food to under-privileged children

Cape Mesurrado Lions Club on Saturday, February 6, 2021 served hot meals to over 100 children under the “REACH Liberia Program”.

   REACH Liberia is a local charity managed by Ne-Suah Livingstone.  It is located in the Naeglay Town community, Paynesville.

   A team of Cape Mesurado Lions Club, led by its President, Makai Amblad, interacted with the children, many of whom are believed to be less fortunate.

   “I am even motivated to serve the kids this meal,” said President Amblad.

   The Cape Mesurado Lions Club President committed the club to supporting additional feeding programs this year.

   According to her, the distribution of the meal was in fulfillment of Lions Club’s pledge to cater to the poor, disadvantaged and people living at the margin of society.

   “We are happy to be with you all today to serve and share meal with you,” she added.

   Other members of the CMLC who formed part of the food distribution over the weekend were Lion Caroline Caranda, immediate past Zone Chair, Marketing and Communication Chairman, Lion Malcolm Joseph, Lion Thomas Doe-Nah, and First Vice President, Lion Christiana Payne.

   “Feed the Hunger” is one of the strongest pillars of Lions International.

   Through this, Lions and Leos serve to improve human flourishing, by seeing to it that the global hunger and nutrition crisis bears upon their local communities.

   Lions believe community improvement depends on the thriving of its members, which ensures people in various parts of the world have access to nutritious foods.

   The proprietor of REACH- Liberia  Program said she was overwhelmed with joy to see members of the Cape Mesurado Lions Club reaching out to the children in such a way.

   Ne-Suah Beyan-Livingstone urged members of the Cape Mesurado Lions Club to continue the provision of its humanitarian services to her charity.

   Lions International is one of the world’s largest non-for-profit dedicated to empowering volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encouraging peace and promoting international understanding through various Lions clubs.

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