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Grand Cape Mount County miner, Idrissa Mansaray

Cape Mount’s “Richest” Miner Dragged To Court For Slander

Grand Cape Mount County miner, Idrissa Mansaray, has been forwarded to court by the Stipendiary Magistrate of Mano River Court for alleged defamation of character by slander.

   Magistrate Momoh Saah, in his complaint filed before the Sixth Judicial Circuit sitting in its December term of court AD 2022, alleged that defendant Mansaray sometime in October 2022 maliciously went on air and made false statement against the plaintiff without lawful justification.

   The plaintiff pointed out that the malicious statement has caused serious harm to his reputation, with frequent calls from relatives and friends anxious about the outcome.

   The complaint further noted that the plaintiff has in his possession a voice recording of the interview defendant Idrissa Mansaray granted local newsmen on his own radio, named and style Hard Work FM, in which he referred to him as a rebel.

   The plaintiff maintained that, as a result of the malicious statement, he is finding it difficult to obtain travel documents to travel out of the country, thus causing him serious mental anguish, depression, family desertion and social discomfort.

   In view of the foregoing, plaintiff Momo Saah prayed to the court to hold the defendant to prove the slanderous statement made against the plaintiff, otherwise be liable to plaintiff in damage of US$250,000.

   The plaintiff also prayed the court to force the defendant to retract his defamatory statement and make an open apology as a way of repairing his damaged character.

   Meanwhile, hearing in the matter has begun at the Civil Law Court, with the defendant requesting for the case to be transferred to the Circuit Court in Grand Cape Mount, which he claimed has jurisdiction over the matter.

   The motion was however rejected by the lawyer representing the plaintiff on ground that both the plaintiff and defendant have residences in Montserrado County.

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