Civil Society Network Rubbishes Rep. Roland’s Claims Against NIR Boss


The Civil Society Network of Liberia (CSNL) has described as baseless, groundless and a political gambit allegations emanating from Maryland County’s district #3 Representative, Isaac Roland, that the National Identification (NIR) is registering foreigners, especially Ivoirians in Maryland. Recently, Roland alleged that the Executive Director of the NIR, J. Tiah Nagbe, is carrying out random, indiscriminate and cost-free issuance of National Identification Cards to foreigners, especially Ivoirians, with the intent of their voting for him in the impending 2023 senatorial elections in Maryland County.

   But, providing its position on the allegations, the Civil Society Network, through its Executive Director, Sensee Kiadii, stated, “Having investigated Representative Isaac Roland allegation against the Executive Director of the National Identification Registry, Hon. J. Tiah Nagbe, the Civil Society Network of Liberia strongly believes that these allegations are baseless, groundless and politically motivated assertions that lack all aorta of truth. Representative Isaac Roland’s claims against the NIR boss also amounts to a showy display of sheer ignorance and an attempt to besmear the character of Hon. Tiah Nagbe, who has worked assiduously over the years in administering the institution with integrity, credibility and professionalism. Contrary to Representative Roland’s allegation that Hon. Nagbe is using the NIR to register foreigners as citizens in Maryland County for votes, our investigation clearly establishes that the special enrollment process ongoing in Maryland County is a funded pilot project of an international NGO, being implemented by the NIR. Based on an agreement, the NGO is funding the enrollment of Liberian citizens into the NIR Biometric Citizens Identification process in Maryland County. Additionally, fact-finding investigation done by the regional officers of the Civil Society Network based in Maryland County shows that individuals being enrolled by the NIR are Liberian citizens, predominately women and not foreigners or ivorians, as being alleged by Representative Isaac Roland. Representative Isaac Roland is a grandstanding reverend who lacks all moral standing to question the workings of a revered public servant, Hon. J. Tiah Nagbe, whose life and work history are replete with honesty, integrity, sincerity and professionalism.”

   The Civil Society Network of Liberia recalled that district #2, Montserrado County Representative, Jimmy Smith, made a similar allegation: an IT Analyst of the NIR was caught printing National ID Cards in a local clinic, and it was proved that his allegation was false and misleading. So, the pro-democracy group is left baffled as to why Representative Isaac Roland would tend to make the same allegation, one that lacks all basis in fact. It is highly illogical and ill-fated for these lawmakers to accuse the NIR boss of enrolling foreigners for vote when its Biometric System will not be used by the National Elections Commission (NEC) for voter registration. Kiadii further intoned, “We believe that these lawmakers wouldn’t have made these allegations if they had inquired about the workings of the National Identification Registry. Let Representative Isaac Roland and his likes be informed that this is not the first special citizens’ enrollment process being carried out by the NIR. The National Identification Registry has conducted enrollment at the request of its partners on several occasions, during which citizens received free ID cards.  Among these are the Social Cash Transfer Program at the Ministry of Gender, the AFL pensioners program at the Ministry of Defense and the Small Business Stimulus Program at the Ministry of Commerce.”

   The CSNL then urged Representatives Isaac Roland and Jimmy Smith to focus on providing representation on behalf of their district by ensuring that the livelihood of the constituents is positively impacted. They challenged the lawmakers to provide explanation to their respective constituents on the receipt and use of US$30,000.00 received from 2022 national budget, instead of diverting the Liberian people’s attention to unsubstantial and unproved allegations, especially against a credible institution like the NIR.

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