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Commerce Minister Risks House Contempt Charge

The plenary of the House of Representatives has voted to summon Commerce Minister, Amin Modad, due to his failure to appear before plenary on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

  Plenary’s decision to summon the Commerce Ministerwas triggered by a communication from Montserrado County’s electoral district #9 Representative, Frank Saah Foko Jr., and Grand Bassa County Representative, Matthew Joe, expressing concern over the hike in the price of rice.

  On Monday, May 20, 2024, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry announced that the government and rice importers agreed to raise the price of a bag of rice from $16.50 to $18.50. 

  Based on the importance of the communications from both lawmakers, the plenary of the House of Representatives instructed Clerk Mildred Sayon to formally invite the Minister of Commerce, Amin Modad, to provide clarity on the matter during Tuesday’s session,May 28, 2024.

  The Commerce boss did not appear before plenary as was requested, but instead wrote a communication of excuse, which members see as an affront to that body.The lawmakers stated that the ministry has other deputies who should have appeared in his stead.

  However, a motion was proffered by Montserrado County’s electoral district #4 lawmaker, Michael Thomas,that Minister Modad be given another chance to appear before plenary on Thursday, May 30, 2024, and failure to appear on Thursday the Commerce Minister would be brought under the contempt of the House of Representatives.

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