Cummings Gives Hope to Young Graduates; As AMEZU Graduates 385


The Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Alexander Cummings, has given hope to over 385 new graduates of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion University (AMEZU) and cautioned them against returning to the past, pretending that somehow, the past will move Liberians into a bright future.

   Cummings said it is time to move forward, change the country’s direction, fix the broken economy, so that no future graduation is ever celebrated in hopelessness and joblessness.

   The CPP Standard Bearer made the assertion when he served as Commencement Speaker at the 32nd Commencement Convocation of the AME Zion University on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 in Vincent Town, Bomi County.

   Over 385 students were conferred bachelor’s degrees in a number of academic disciplines, including agriculture, business, criminal justice, political science and religious education.

   Cummings said he believes people’s conditions and circumstances, especially poor families, should change with the acquisition of knowledge because, according to him, education and knowledge are power, but unfortunately this is not the case in Liberia.

   He said after years of studies, and sacrifice by parents to pay school fees, many students are graduating into a realty of no job and opportunity to improve their lives.

   He underscored the significance of education as the lifeblood of any nation, requiring adequate government  funding to improve the quality of education and making it accessible in every village and district, noting that no nation’s future is safe “when governments are failing schools and schools are failing students”.

   “Unless we are serious to invest in and fix the education system, we will continue to remain poor and backward. Even worse, the future of Liberia will remain insecure,” Cummings said.

   Cummings held that, to put Liberia on the path of economic prosperity, Liberians will have to make the hard choice of putting the country’s interest above party.  “To re-elect a failed President is to make a fool of ourselves,” he observed.

   He said, “our babies and children under age, deserve better lives and a future, and therefore its incumbent upon all eligible Liberian to choose leaders on the basis of qualification and competency rather than choosing leaders on the basis “I love my party.”

   Cummings warned that the world is watching and will not change the decision Liberians will make on October 10, saying not only will each Liberian live with the decision made October 10, but also the world will determine our seriousness and give Liberia accordingly.

   “If we know what is right, but choose to do what is wrong, that choice will be a burden for all Liberians to bear. If we choose to reward failure, we will get more failures,” the CPP Standard Bearer cautioned.

   He spoke against giving second chances to politicians  who have disappointed and dashed the hopes of Liberians.

   Cummings said it was heartbreaking that on the graduation day of 385 students, Liberians are suffering, no jobs, rising cost of living, abandoned hospitals, increased street peddling by children, and the old and retired citizens are forced into begging.

   He said Liberian businesses are catching “hell”, while stealing in government has become rampant and widespread, growing insecurity, communities infested with dangerous drugs, disastrous roads, and lack of safe drinking water. 

   The CPP Standard Bearer spoke of the dire need for new leadership that is mentally and physically ready to do  what they say and say what they will do, and not to continue gambling with the lives of Liberia’s children and future.

   Cummings vowed to restore basic social services, combat corruption, create massive job opportunities and ensure no student graduates into hopelessness and joblessness.

   “There is nothing we set to do that we cannot do with the right mindset and leadership. I know Liberians are ready for change. We are ready to change our country for the better,” Cummings said.

   According to him, although the change process might get bumpy and sometimes uneasy, history has repeatedly shown that it is the young and young at heart, the determined and passionate who have always reshaped the story and direction.

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