Cyvette Gibson Dedicates Projects In District #9

Cyvette Gibson, Independent Candidate, upcoming representative by-election, district #9, Montserrado County

Since Telia Urey hit the nation’s body politics with an indelible mark in the by-election held in district #15, Montserrado County, it appears to the public like there are females who have sat behind the scenes for too long watching men dominate the political affairs of the country but with smatter ideas, better platforms and higher gears to get the country developmentally on par with other nations.

   Cyvette Gibson, an independent candidate in the up-coming Montserrado County’s district #9 by-election, is said to be one step ahead of other contestants vying for the district’s seat by her unrivaled development initiatives and community engagements.

   On Saturday, November 28, 2020, Gibson dedicated a six-room latrine in Fish Market community (beach side) and 6 six head pumps in Gbangay Town as a way of coming to the aid of the residents who have expressed the dire need for these projects in their communities. She separately dedicated the projects on the same day and entreated the residents to use them for the intended purposes.

    Speaking to the Hot Pepper on Sunday, November 29, 2020, the head of the media and propaganda arm of Gibson’s campaign team, Evan Tuku, bragged that, while other candidates where getting prepared to spend the holidays in luxury and jollity, their candidate was using the time to identify with the residents and make interventions where necessary.

   Tuku explained that Gibson has undertaken so many projects in the district, and she started doing so far before she expressed her intent to contest for the district seat. He noted that his candidate does not only brings to the table a wealth of experience but a developmental heart and an active hand to get the district moving ahead.

   He disclosed a number of projects undertaken by candidate Gibson, including the construction of the Fredrick Island bridge, purchasing a transformer for Harris Hill community and a breaker for David Town in order to solve the movement and electricity problems that the residents are faced. He noted that Gibson also sponsored the repair of Lakpazee and 12th Street communities’ transformers, in addition to constructing another bridge in New Matadi (slum side).

   According to him, Gibson is currently undertaking a water project in the district that is expected to benefit individuals selling water in coolers along the roads within the district. He said each seller is to benefit seven sacks of water as a way of helping their water business to grow.

   He added that, for the past fifteen (15) years Gibson has been sponsoring a number of students at the All God’s Children (AGC) School. In addition, he said, she has initiated a new scholarship scheme, in collaboration with her international partners, to provide international scholarships for the female students who emerge division one and two at the West African Exams (WAEC) now WASSCE.

   Tuku also disclosed that there is a plan underway to rededicate all the projects of Cyvette Gibson on December 2, 2020 as a way of commemorating her birth anniversary.

   Cyvette Gibson is the former Mayor of Paynesville City Corporation (PCC) and Deputy Mayor of Monrovia City Corporation (MCC). She is an independent candidate in the up-coming by-election of district #9, Montserrado County, being held by the National Elections Commission (NEC) to replace fallen Representative Munah Pelham-Youngblood.

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