DSie Wilson Foundation To Be Launched Sunday


The DSie Wilson Foundation, a not-for-profit charity organization established early this year, is expected to be officially launched on Sunday, November 28, 2021 at the auditorium of the University of Liberia (UL) in Monrovia.

   According to the foundation’s Executive Director, Elizabeth Walloe, the launching ceremony is expected to be graced by members of the diplomatic corps, members of the National Legislature, political parties representatives, prominent citizens, among others.

   She said the launch signifies the kick-off of the foundation’s operations in Liberia.

   Commenting on the DSie Wilson Foundation’s objectives, why it was established, Walloe stated that the foundation was founded to buttress the government’s effort in addressing issues confronting the wellbeing of Liberians.

   She noted that those at the foundation believe in what they can do for Liberia, and not what their country can do for them.

   The DSie Wilson Foundation Executive Director further explained that there are few areas in Liberia they are endeavouring to impact as Liberians.

   The areas, she said, are providing assistance to less fortunate groups, as well as giving teachers some level of support to serve as a means of motivation for them.

   She said that these areas are key components to the growth and development of any nation, with Liberia being no exception.

   According to her, the foundation came to help buttress the government’s effort in providing solutions to Liberia’s problems, which she noted is everyone’s problem.

   “Come let’s join hands in launching our tomorrow children’s future,” Walloe stated.

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