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Editorial: Cummings The Alternative To Pres. Weah?

THE POLITICAL LEADER of the Alternative National Congress (ANC) and Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Alexander Cummings, is making frantic effort to present himself as an alternative to the George Weah leadership by presenting a platform that is all-encompassing and, thus, the antidote to the nation’s problem.

CUMMINGS PROMISED TO make Liberia a nation of law, which he envisages as fundamental to solving the nation’s problems. He said a CPP government will commit to changing the system, processes, expectations of Liberians and enforcing the laws without discrimination. He said a special campaign policy team is formulating a national development platform focusing on the financial sector, infrastructure, agriculture, national security and the creation of a business-friendly environment that will not be over-regulated. He assured the Liberian people of forming a government of inclusion that will restore good governance based on the rule of law and the merit system.

COMPREHENSIVE IN HIS perception of the leadership needs of the nation, Cummings vowed to build a strong immigration service to protect Liberia’s porous borders, empower Liberians with disability, strengthen the Liberia National Police (LNP) and Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), resuscitate the country’s ailing economy as well as diversify the economy from the extractive industry to expand the agriculture and ecotourism sectors, badly needed to create jobs and opportunities for Liberians.

CUMMINGS ASSURED THAT a CPP government would train, equip and ensure adequate funding and living wages for immigration officers, police and soldiers to perform their statutory functions, respecting the rights of all citizens and foreign nationals wishing to enter, live and work in Liberia. He underscored that civil servants will be paid what he called “living wages”, promptly and regularly, commensurate with their work, qualification and competence. Importantly, he said Liberians with disability will be given equal opportunity to acquire skills to earn their livelihood and access public facilities without discrimination.

HE PLEDGED A CPP government’s commitment to ensuring good roads (construction and connectivity), reliable water and electricity supply, and network connectivity needed to facilitate increased productivity, trade and commerce. He stated that agriculture would be given special preference, by ensuring farmers are empowered, have access to credit that will enable them buy seeds, fertilizer, form cooperatives and pool their resources to acquire equipment needed for large scale or mechanized farming. Cummings assured farmers of improved farm-to-market roads and creation of markets for them to sell their products.

CUMMINGS STATED LIBERIA, with a small population of an estimated “five million”, needs all its citizens to unite and work together, guided and protected by the law. He said a CPP government will have absolutely no intention to witch-hunt any citizens due to tribal, religious or political affiliation, but rather every Liberian will be subjected to the law and any violations will be punishable, without discrimination.

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