Editorial: The Armed Forces Of Liberia (AFL) Working For Peaceful Elections (Verbatim)


EACH ARMED FORCES Day is celebrated under a theme that is carefully chosen to serve as a path that harnesses efforts for the AFL’s future training needs and responsibilities. This year’s Armed Forces Day theme, “Inter-Agency Collaboration: Working Together for Peaceful Elections”, is particularly important as we get closer to the Presidential and Legislative elections that are going to be held in October this year.

AS COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, I have implicit confidence in the ability of our troops and security forces to effectively execute their duties. I have progressively monitored the achievements of the Armed Forces of Liberia and I have no doubt that it is on the right path to greatness, both locally and in the international community. 

THERE ARE UNIQUE capacities that the AFL can bring in supporting civil authority, particularly in our development efforts as a nation. First, and foremost, we must continue to strengthen our border control mechanisms, and remain vigilant against the negatives that could affect the peace and stability of our nation and people. 

SIMILARLY, WE MUST not waiver to protect ourselves against extremism and the consequences of terrorism. Accordingly, we must be better informed, and ensure effective coordination and preparedness between and among our military and civilian law enforcement agencies, against any action that could affect our peace, security and stability.

TODAY, OUR FLAG is being carried proudly by our soldiers in the troubled regions of Timbuktu, the Republic of Mali, the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan. Other countries where our troops are making contributions to peacekeeping include the Republic of Guinea Bissau and the Democratic Republic of Congo.  These are all very Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) missions. Our hearts go out to them, and we look forward to proudly receiving them safely back home at the end of their missions. 

I WISH TO thank all members of the Armed Forces of Liberia – a “Force for Good” – for your discipline, dedication to duty, and  commitment to the responsibility of protecting our territorial integrity, and for the gallantry exhibited by you in executing your missions and tasks wherever you are deployed.

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