Editorial: The Solemn Policy Of The Government


THE MINISTRY OF Justice has addressed itself to the closure of Henry Costa’s Ashmun Street office. In a release issued in Monrovia, the MOJ reminded Costa that the seizure of his broadcast equipment through the appropriate court process was due to his willful and deliberate violation of the Constitutional freedom of expression, and therefore called on him to use the presidential olive branch of peace to live and operate within the confines of the law by upgrading the standards of his advocacy beyond the borders of recrimination and misinformation for the progressive development of the country.

THE RELEASE CLARIFIES that the question of acquiring and operating a radio frequency squarely lies within the operational provinces of other agencies of the Liberian government, which, as part of their own statutory rules, procedures and responsibilities have put in place the requisite requirements and processes on radio frequencies acquisitions and managements by individuals and institutions.

THE MINISTRY OF Justice called on other social commentators and political advocates using various platforms to market their views to bear in mind the solemn policy of the government to reconcile and re-unite the people and develop the country for the good of all Liberians, and urged them to be more critical but responsible in holding to account public officials on issues rather than using their various platforms to sow seeds of discord and disunity, at the detriment of the state.

THE RELEASE SAID the Ministry of Justice will continue to exercise restraint and tolerance in dealing with the frank exchanges of views, ideas and objective criticisms by Liberian citizens, but will not compromise any egregious  violation of the law by anyone, and has therefore indicated that it welcomes proficiency in developing new progressive ideas that will help to complement government’s national development agenda on their  various information platforms but not proficiency in profanity, lies and vulgarity.

THE MINISTRY OF Justice press release, issued yesterday, announced with immediate effect that, in line with the President’s olive branch of peace, all criminal charges, including but not limited to any and all formal criminal investigations against Costa, are hereby dropped, and Costa is free, like any other Liberian citizen, to return home anytime he wishes.

THE MINISTRY OF Justice re-echoed the olive branch of peace extended to the talk-show host by the President of Liberia, George Manneh Weah, urging Costa to return to Liberia and live freely like any other citizen.

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