Female Presidential Aspirant Victimized By Fraudster


A man, identified as Dr. Angel Sherman, claiming close connection with the National Elections Commission (NEC), has allegedly duped a prominent female presidential aspirant in the up-coming October 2023 general and presidential elections, Bendu Kromah, of over US$6,000.

   “Dr.” Angel Sherman, who also claimed to have obtained his doctorate degree from a university in Nairobi, established an online relationship with aspirant Kromah, who is based in the United States of America, with the intention to serve as her campaign manager in the upcoming elections.

   The investigation established that, after several email exchanges, text-messages and other links between “Dr.” Sherman and aspirant Kromah, he received over US$6,000 to process and register the aspirant at NEC to run for the presidency in October, which he has not done up to date.

   The amounts sent by presidential hopeful, Bendu Kromah, were allegedly received by “Dr.” Sherman through several money transfer connections at various intervals, including MoneyGram and Western Union, among others, upon each payment.

   In reaction to aspirant Kromah’s intense probe on her status at NEC, “Dr.” Angel Sherman began to appeal for mercy, citing the devil as the agent that misled him into misusing the funds intended for the registration purpose.

   Investigation has further established that “Dr.” Angel Sherman is a purported name, and that his real identity is Shaii Sherman, II, and a staff at the JFK Hospital in Sinkor who had earlier been dismissed by a local private school around the 17th Street community. He is said to currently be serving a 20-month suspension at JFK for administrative mal-conduct.

   Meanwhile, state security personnel are in hot pursuit for the fraudster, Dr. Angel Sherman, declaring him wanted based on complaints from his victims, including the prominent female politician and presidential hopeful, Bendu Kromah.

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