Fire Service Rescues Burning Fuel Ship At Freeport


What appeared to be a potential disaster would have recently happened at the gateway to the nation’s economy, the Freeport of Monrovia, when a vessel with huge quantities of fuel, BAO Gang-2, became enflamed.

   Immediately, the Liberia National Fire and Rescue Service (LNFRS) was alerted, and with timely response the LNFRS was able to extinguish the fire, with absolutely no casualty reported.

   Local and international business entities have meanwhile lauded the fire department for the timely intervention and for rescuing the vessel.

   The Liberia National Fire and Rescue Services (LNFRS) was established to safeguard life and property from the scourge of destructive fire across the length and breadth of the country, as well as to promote efficient fire prevention services, with the mission to safeguard life and property of all residents, Liberians and non-Liberians alike, from the hazard of fire, both potential and real.

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