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House Probes Rep. YekehKolubah

The plenary of the House of Representatives has instructed its Rules, Order and Administration Committee to investigate its colleague, Montserrado County’selectoral district #10 Representative, Yekeh Kolubah.

  The House’s decision was triggered by a communication from Montserrado County’s electoral district #7 Representative, Emmanuel Dahn, in which he indicated that on Sunday, April 7, 2024 Yekeh Kolubah, Representative of Montserrado district #10, in a live Facebook broadcast made series of unsubstantiated allegations against the President of the Republic of Liberia and members of his family.

  Representative Dahn said, while the fact that the allegation in its entirety were troubling, indecent and embarrassing, the form and manner in which the honorable man chose to deliver his assertions were in total violation of the rules and procedures governing the House of Representatives.

  He cited, “Rule 40.1-Without prejudice to the provisions of this rule, every member shall be honest and transparent at any time.

  “Rule 40.2-No member may introduce false information or unsubstantiated matter, pretending that it is true.

  “Rule 42.1-Every member shall, at any place, keep the prestige and dignity of the House and refrain from undesirable acts.”

  The Montserrado district 7 lawmaker stated that because of the gravity of the forgoing violation, and the injury it has placed on the reputation of the House of Representatives, which is obliged to uphold its honorability at all times, “I would recommend that leadership takes charge of the matter, conduct an investigation to determine the rationality behind our colleague’s public degradation, and institute the appropriate disciplinary actions where applicable in accordance with Rule 48.1.”

  Following the reading of the communication plenary voted to instruct its Rules and Order Committee to investigate Representative Kolubah, thus giving him due process, and report findings to plenary next Thursday.

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