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House To Ratify Financing Agreement Between Liberia And IDA On COVID-19 Emergency

President George Weah has submitted for ratification by the National Legislature a “Financing Agreement (Liberia Covid-19 Emergency Preparedness and Response Project Second Additional Financing) between Republic of Liberia and International Development Association”.

   According to the President’s communication, the agreement, which was signed on July 4, 2022 between the International Development Association and the Republic of Liberia, seeks to prepare an international response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Liberia.

   The President’s communication stated that, under the agreement, the association agrees to extend to the Republic of Liberia a grant and a credit, which are deemed as Concessional Financing in the following amounts: (a) an amount equivalent to SDR4,600,000 Special Drawing Rights as grant; and (b) an amount equivalent to SDR 2,100,000 Special Drawing Rights as credit.

   President George M. Weah called on the National Legislature to ratify the agreement to assist Liberia, as a country, in preparing and responding to COVID-19 adequately.

   Following the reading of the Liberian leader’s communication, a motion was proffered by Lofa County’s electoral district #1 Representative, Francis S. Nyumalin, forwarding it to the committees on Ways, Means and Finance and Judiciary to report to plenary in two weeks.

   The decision was made on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 during the 4th day sitting of the 3rd quarter of the 5th session of the 54th Legislature of the House of Representatives during regular session.

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